Motorola R2670 Service Manual


. PROFESSIONAL DIGITAL TWO-WAY RADIO SYSTEM MOTOTRBO™ REPEATER DETAILED SERVICE MANUAL DR 3000 REPEATER. No duplication or distribution of this document or any portion thereof shall take place without the express written permission of Motorola. No part of this manual may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose without the express written permission of Motorola. Document History The following major changes have been implemented in this manual since the previous edition: Edition Description Date 6866576D16-A Initial edition. Aug 20D16-B Added VHF Low Power Band Information.

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  3. Motorola R2660 Service Manual

Motorola Forum - For general discussion of Motorola land mobile radio. Audio across various voice level freqs. If you have the basci service manual it is in section 6.2.6. This test can be done with either the R-2670 Communication. From the SERVICE MENU, press F2 to select the TRANSMITTER.

Added issue Nov. Organic chem lab survival manual exercise answer. 2007 C boards to all bands. 6866576D16-C Added UHF2 Band Information. DR 3000 MOTOTRBO Repeater Detailed Service Manual Contents Chapter 1 Service Maintainability Chapter 2 Repeater Indicator Board Service Information Chapter 3 Connector Board Service Information Chapter 4 Controller Service Information Chapter 5 VHF Low Power Service Information Chapter 6 VHF High Power Service Information. Summary of Printed Circuit Boards and Bands available: Table below lists all the bands available in this manual and the revision of the Printed Circuit Boards used. For details, please refer to the respective chapters. Chapter Description PC Board Part Number Board Revision Repeater Indicator Board (PMLN4814) 8415470H02.

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viii Notes. DR 3000 MOTOTRBO Repeater Chapter 1 Service Maintainability Issue: September, 2010. Furthermore, the purchase of Motorola products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Motorola, except for the normal non-exclusive license to use that arises by operation of law in the sale of a product. Chapter 1 - Service Maintainability Table of Contents Section 1 Introduction 1.0 Notations Used in This Manual.1-1 2.0 Repeater Description.1-1 Section 2 Maintenance 1.0 Introduction.2-1 2.0 Preventive Maintenance.2-1 2.1 Inspection.2-1 2.2 Cleaning Procedures.2-1 3.0 Safe Handling of CMOS and LDMOS Devices.2-2 4.0 Repair Procedures and Techniques —. C a u t i o n Repeater Description The DR 3000 repeater is available in the following frequency ranges and power levels.

Table 1-1 Frequency Ranges and Power Levels Freq. Band Bandwidth Power Level 136–174 MHz. Repeater Description Notes. Section 2 MAINTENANCE Introduction This chapter provides details about the following: Preventive maintenance (inspection and cleaning). Safe handling of CMOS and LDMOS devices. Repair procedures and techniques.

Preventive Maintenance Periodic visual inspection and cleaning is recommended. Inspection Check that the external surfaces of the repeater are clean, and that all external controls and switches are functional. Wear a conductive wrist strap in series with a 100k resistor to ground. (Replacement wrist straps that connect to the bench top covering are Motorola part number 4280385A59).

Do not wear nylon clothing while handling CMOS devices. Do not insert or remove CMOS devices with power applied. Check all power supplies used for testing CMOS devices to be certain that there are no voltage transients present.

When damaged parts are replaced, identical parts should be used. If the identical replacement part is not locally available, check the parts list for the proper Motorola part number and order the part from the nearest Motorola Radio Products and Solutions Organization listed in Appendix A of this manual. Repair Procedures and Techniques — General Chip Components Use the RLN4062 Hot-Air Repair Station for chip component replacement. Adjust the temperature control to 370°C (700°F), and adjust the airflow to a minimum setting.

Airflow can vary due to component density. To remove a chip component:. Repair Procedures and Techniques — General Shields Removing and replacing shields is recommended to be done with an Air Blower, BOSCH GHG 600-3 or equivalent.

The temperature should be set to approximately 400°C (752°F). To remove the shield:. Place the circuit board in the circuit board holder. Add solder paste flux around the base of the shield. Repair Procedures and Techniques — General Notes.

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Section 3 TEST EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE AIDS Recommended Test Equipment The list of equipment contained in Table 3-1 includes most of the standard test equipment required for servicing Motorola repeaters. Table 3-1 Recommended Test Equipment Equipment Characteristic Example Application Service Monitor Can be used as a Motorola R2670, or equivalent. Table 3-2 lists the service aids recommended for working on the repeater. While all of these items are available from Motorola, most are standard workshop equipment items, and any equivalent item capable of the same performance may be substituted for the item listed. Programming Cables Programming Cables Figure 3-1 Mobile & Repeater Rear Programming Cable PMKN4010 DB 25 CONNECTOR USB CONNECTOR 1455 24 CABLE WIRE DIAGRAM 915 15 CABLE REAR ACCESSORY DB25P CONNECTOR PIN NO. DESCRIPTION VCC (5 V) DATA - TO MOBILE RADIO DATA + REAR ACCESSORY CONNECTOR. Programming Cables Notes.

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DR 3000 MOTOTRBO Repeater Chapter 2 Repeater Indicator Board Service Information Issue: September, 2010. Furthermore, the purchase of Motorola products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Motorola, except for the normal non-exclusive license to use that arises by operation of law in the sale of a product.

Motorola R2660 Service Manual

Chapter 2 - Repeater Indicator Board Service Information Table of Contents Section 1 Theory of Operation 1.0 Overview.1-1 2.0 Repeater Indicator Board.1-1 3.0 Ethernet Interface.1-2 Section 2 Repeater Indicator Boards / Schematics / Parts Lists 1.0 Allocation of Printed Circuit Boards, Schematics and Parts Lists.2-1 1.1 Repeater Indicator Board Circuits.2-1 2.0 Repeater Indicator Board (PMLN4814) PCB/Schematics/Parts List.2-3 Repeater Indicator Board PCB 8415470H02 (Top Side).2-3. Section 1 THEORY OF OPERATION Overview This section provides a detailed theory of operation for the Repeater Indicator Board and its components. Repeater Indicator Board The Repeater Indicator board contains circuitry to drive the front panel indicator LEDs, an RTC battery for the RTC in the transmit radio, as well as an Ethernet controller. Ethernet Interface The power LED is the only LED that is not controlled by the software. This bi-color LED gets turned on green when the 13.8 V output from the power supply is valid. It turns on red when A/C power is lost, and the repeater's backup battery is used. Section 2 REPEATER INDICATOR BOARDS / SCHEMATICS / PARTS LISTS Allocation of Printed Circuit Boards, Schematics and Parts Lists Repeater Indicator Board Circuits This Chapter shows the Printed Circuit Boards (PCB), Schematics and Parts Lists for the Repeater Indicator Board circuits.

Table 2-1 Repeater Indicator Board Schematic Diagrams and Parts List PCB: 8415470H02 Repeater Indicator Board Top Side. Allocation of Printed Circuit Boards, Schematics and Parts Table 2-3: Repeater Indicator Board Schematic Diagrams and Parts List PCB: 1 Repeater Indicator Board Top Side Page 2-5001 Repeater Indicator Board Bottom Side Page 2-16 SCHEMATICS Repeater Indicator Board Schematic Diagram (Sheet 1 of 2) Page 2-17 Repeater Indicator Board Schematic Diagram (Sheet 2 of 2) Page 2-18.

This entry was posted on 14.09.2019.