Ohaus Mb 200 Moisture Analyzer Manual


. SERVICE MANUAL Ohaus Corporation 7 Campus Drive, Suite 310, Parsippany, NJ 07054 USA (973) 377-9000. SERVICE MANUAL The information contained in this manual is believed to be accurate at the time of publication, but Ohaus Corporation assumes no liability arising from the use or misuse of this material. Reproduction of this material is strictly prohibited. 3.8.1 Testing the Heater Circuit.3-8 3.8.2 Removing the Heater on the MB23.3-9 3.8.3 Removing the Heater on the MB25.3-10 3.8.4 Replacing the Heater on the MB25.3-10 3.8.5 Replacing the Heater on the MB23.3-11 3.8.6 Testing the Thermal Overload Device.

4.4.1 Precision Test.4-2 4.4.2 Repeatability Test.4-3 4.4.3 Linearity Test.4-4 CHAPTER 5 DRAWINGS AND PARTS LISTS MB23 and MB25: Housing & Internal Parts.5-2 Appendix A STANDARD CALIBRATION Weight Calibration.A-1 Temperature Calibration.A-2 Service Calibration.A-3 Appendix B SOFTWARE SERVICE TOOL Software service tool location. Clear plastic In-use Cover. 3-16 3-41 Housing Chamber.3-16 3-42 MB25 with top open. 3-16 Segment Display.4-1 MB23 & MB25: Housing & Internal Parts.5-2 Temperature Calibration Kit installed.A-1 Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com MB23 and MB25 Service Manual. TABLE OF CONTENTS MB23 and MB25 Service Manual Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com. INTRODUCTION This service manual contains the information needed to perform routine maintenance and service on the MB23 and MB25 Moisture Analyzers. Familiarity with the Instruction Manual is assumed.

Moisture Analyzer. The contents of this manual is contained in five chapters. To service the Ohaus MB45 Moisture Analyzer. 100 V – 120 V or 200 V. Ohaus Moisture Analysis Made Simple and Powerful Combining Speed and Precision in One Moisture Yes Tag. Ohaus MB-Series Moisture Analyzers. • Manual, Timed.

The contents of this manual are contained in five chapters: Chapter 1 Getting Started – Contains information on service facilities, tools, specifications, and the mechanical and electronic functions of the product. Standard electronics tool kit 3. Soldering iron (50 watt) and solder (rosin core solder, not acid core). Solder remover 5.

Ohaus Temperature Calibration Kit P/N 11113857 6. 50g calibration weight 7. Strain Gage Simulator (optional) 8. Soft, lint-free cleaning cloth 9. CHAPTER 1 GETTING STARTED SPECIFICATIONS Complete specifications for the Ohaus MB23 and MB25 Moisture Analyzers are listed in Table 1-1.

Ohaus Mb 200 Moisture Analyzer Manual

When a scale has been serviced, it must meet these specifications. SPECIFICATIONS Model MB25 MB23 Capacity 110g 0.2% (3g sample) 0.3% (3g sample). CHAPTER 1 GETTING STARTED ANALYZER OPERATION This section contains information on the basic operation of the scale. 1.5.1 Overview of the Controls Figure 1-1. MB23 and MB25 Function Labels.

FUNCTIONS OF DISPLAY CONTROLS Button: Name: Functions: Button: Name. (Short press) Enters Edit mode for the time setting.

The value will blink. (Short press while time setting blinks) Toggles between AUTO and time value. Accepts the blinking setting. If AUTO is selected: Weigh mode is entered. MB23 and MB25 Service Manual Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com. At the end of the test (Run Mode), the display blinks the test result. Changes the unit of displayed result: weight (grams) % Moisture % Solids.

Exits to Weigh mode. Sends current displayed value to the RS232. Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com MB23 and MB25 Service Manual.

20 minutes after turning the unit on, for the electronics to stabilize. When the scale is first turned on, the factory default is to weigh (in grams) and tare items without setting the menus. MB23 and MB25 Service Manual Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com. CHAPTER 1 GETTING STARTED Communications Interface The MB23 and MB25 are equipped with a bi-directional RS232 interface, accessed through a DB9-pin connector on the rear of the unit. Following are available parameters (defaults in bold): 1. Baud Rate: 1200; 2400; 4800; 9600; 19,200 2. A Load Cell that is even slightly bent or corroded should be replaced.

– Check the heating unit for corrosion or other damage. If a problem arises that is not covered in this manual, contact your local Ohaus office. MB23 and MB25 Service Manual Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com.

Replace Main PCB. Err 10.7 Temperature out of control (Current temperature is Use a Power Supply Regulator 20° C higher than target setting) Replace temperature Sensor Section 3.8.9. Replace main PCB. Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com MB23 and MB25 Service Manual. Dirt or debris in unit. Clean the unit thoroughly. Cooling air current blocked.

Clean the ventilation grill. Defective Load Cell. Replace Load Cell. Defective Main PCB. Replace Main PCB. MB23 and MB25 Service Manual Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com. Make a visual inspection for faulty connectors, wiring, and loose hardware.

OPENING THE MB23 AND MB25 Common hand tools are sufficient to disassemble the MB23 and MB25 moisture analyzers. Turn the Analyzer off and unplug the power cord before you begin. CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPENING THE MB23 AND MB25 (continued) 1. Lift the top. Remove the Pan Handler, Pan Support and Cleanout Tray. (See Figure 3-1.) Support 3. Pull away the Housing Chamber: Cleanout Tray Pull Figure 3-1.

MB25 with top open. CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPENING THE MB23 AND MB25 (continued) 7. Gently lift the Top Housing so the rear stays in place and the front rises. (See Figure 3-6.) Figure 3-6.

Lifting the Housing. Remove the three cables connected to the Power PCB. It is also possible at this stage to test the Power PCB and Main PCB. Cables for Temperature Sensor, Fan, Ground, and Heater, disconnected.

(Note: MB23 shown; MB25 does not require ground cable for heating element.) 3.3.1 Test the Heater Circuit 1. Power PCB to the bottom housing. Install the replacement PCB, insert Figure 3-10. The screws removed previously.

Resassemble and calibrate. (See Appendix A.) Perform all tests. (See Chapter 4.) MB23 and MB25 Service Manual Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com. Figure 3-13. Display LCD on Main PCB.

Install new backlight LCD. Position backlight cables like originals, and solder in place. Soldier in the LCD leads.

Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com MB23 and MB25 Service Manual. Install the Load Cell, using the Software Service Tool. (See Appendix B.) 11.

Calibrate the Moisture Analyzer (See Appendix A.) and Perform all Figure 3-15. Load Cell with ribbon cable tests. (See Chapter 4.) attached at bottom. MB23 and MB25 Service Manual Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com. Heater’s leads. Resistance should be approximately 45 ohms for the MB23, and approx.

5.7 ohms for the MB25. Move the cables while checking to test for an intermittent cable problem. Read- ings should not fluctuate during this test. Grasp the Heater’s base and lift it up and out. (See Figure 3-22.) This will release the Heater from the retainer clips opposite. Retainer clips Figure 3-22.

Lifting out the Heater. MB23 and MB25 Service Manual Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com. CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 3.8.3 Removing the Heater on the MB25 1. Remove the screws and washers that secure the Reflector, and lift it off. (See Figure 3-19.) 2. Remove screw and washer anchoring the cable. (See Figure 3-23.) Figure 3-23.

Screw and washer anchoring Heater Cables. If test fails, replace the device. Reassemble the Heating Unit.

Perform a Temperature Calibration. (See Appendix A.) 7. Conduct Performance Tests. Reset button on the Thermal (See Chapter 4.) Overload Device.

MB23 and MB25 Service Manual 3-11 Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com. (See Figure 3-27.) 4. Fit the washer and then the nut, and use a wrench to tighten the nut. MB25 Thermal Overload Device. MB23: Mount the ground cable ring.

(See Figure 3-28.) Then use a wrench to tighten the nut. Frame Housing, first on one side, then on the other, to release it from the Top Housing. Install the replacement Fan by following these steps in reverse. Removing the Fan. MB23 and MB25 Service Manual 3-13 Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com.

Top Housing. Perform a Temperature Calibration. Removing screws and (See Appendix A.) washers securing Temperature Sensor. If Calibration is successful, conduct Performance Tests. (See Chapter 4.) Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com 3-14 MB23 and MB25 Service Manual.

Place the small plug over the front screw after tightening it, as shown. Placing Plug on Top Housing. If the Protective Glass on the MB25 was removed or replaced, install it as follows: 8. Place the Protective Glass in the groove in the Heater Frame Housing in front of the Heater. Figure 3-40. Clear plastic In-use Cover.

Housing Chamber. Install the Pan Handler, Pan Support Handler and Cleanout Tray. (See Figure 3-42.) Support Cleanout Tray Figure 3-42. MB25 with top open.

Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com 3-16 MB23 and MB25 Service Manual. CHAPTER 4 FINAL TESTING FINAL TESTING Before servicing the MB23 or MB25 Moisture Analyzer, an operational test and various performance tests should be done to determine if the unit meets specifications. Turn the Moisture Analyzer on and allow it warm up for at least one hour before performing these tests. Inspect and correct if necessary. (See Off-Center Load Test.) 3. Foreign material or debris between the pan and the base will cause the Analyzer to fail the test.

Vibrations, drafts or a non-level surface can cause failures. Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com MB23 and MB25 Service Manual. Mean = (Reading 1 + Reading 2 + Reading 3 + Reading 4 + Reading 5 7. + Reading 6 + Reading 7+ Reading 8 + Reading 9 + Reading 10) / 10 Mean = MB23 and MB25 Service Manual Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com.

The difference in the weights of the test mass should be within the Linearity tolerance in Table 1-1. If not, calibrate (see Appendix A.1) and repeat the test. If the unit remains out of tolerance, the Load Cell may need to be replaced. Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com MB23 and MB25 Service Manual. CHAPTER 5 PARTS LISTS & DIAGRAMS This section of the manual contains exploded views for the MB23 and MB25 Moisture Analyzers.

The exploded view drawings are designed to identify the parts which can be serviced on the Analyzer in the field. CHAPTER 5 PARTS LISTS & DIAGRAMS MB23 & MB25: HOUSING & INTERNAL PARTS MB23 & MB25 Figure 5-1. MB23 & MB25: Housing & Internal Parts.

Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com MB23 and MB25 Service Manual. CHAPTER 5 PARTS LISTS & DIAGRAMS MB23 & MB25: HOUSING & INTERNAL PARTS TABLE 5-1. MB23 & MB25: HOUSING & INTERNAL PARTS Drawing Item Description Top Housing Chamber Reflector Heater, MB23 Heater, MB25 Temperature Sensor Heater Frame Housing Thermal Overload Device (MB23). CHAPTER 5 PARTS LISTS & DIAGRAMS Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com MB23 and MB25 Service Manual. Remove any load from the Pan, including the sample pan.

Note: To cancel calibration without saving changes, press: (Place weight on pan.) 50.000 (Clear pan.) - -0- -done- Analyzer returns to Weigh mode. MB23 and MB25 Service Manual Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com. Use a Temperature Calibration Kit. (Available as an accessory.) If the analyzer has been recently used, allow at least 30 minutes before performing calibration. Use only the OHAUS Temperature Calibration Kit. Using other methods could damage the Analyzer. (Remove pan and pan support.) (Appears in software prior to 1.07.).

(Place weight on pan.) 100.00 lINea (Clear pan.) - (Place weight on pan.) (Place weight on pan.) 50.00 100.00 (Place weight on pan.) (Clear pan.) 50.00 (Place weight on pan.) (Clear pan.) 100.00 done MB23 and MB25 Service Manual Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com. APPENDIX A STANDARD CALIBRATION Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com MB23 and MB25 Service Manual.

Open the folder ‘Service Software’. Open sub folder ‘Service’. Open sub folder ‘Service Tools’. Download tool and database file. Open sub folder ‘Service Manual’.

Download service tool instruction manual MB23 and MB25 Service Manual Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com.

. Instruction Manual MB90 Moisture Analyzer 99 Washington Street Melrose, MA 02176 Phone 781-665-1400 Toll Free 1-800-517-8431 Visit us at www.TestEquipmentDepot.com.

MB90 EN-1 Table of Contents GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MOISTURE ANALYZER.4 Introduction.4 Overview of the Moisture Analyzer.4 What is a Moisture Analyzer?.4 SAFETY INFORMATION. 5 2.1 Definition of Signal Warnings and Symbols. 5 2.2 Product Specific Safety Notes. EN-2 MB90 Entering Method Name.33 Setting the Drying Profile. 34 Setting the Drying Temperature. 34 Selecting the switch-off criterion.

Moisture Analyzer China

35 Displayed result.35 Target Weight.36 Starting Mode. 37 Default method.37 7.10. MB90 EN-3 Overview of Controls Turns On or Off display and fan. When pressed, sends Print command. When pressed, either starts or stops the drying process. When pressed, performs Tare function. Leveling indicator Leveling Feet Used to level the Moisture Analyzer.

GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MOISTURE ANALYZER This section provides you with essential information on your MB90 Moisture Analyzer. Please read through the section carefully even if you have previous experience with OHAUS Moisture Analyzers and be sure to familiarize yourself with the safety notes. Your Moisture Analyzer conforms with all common standards and directives.

It supports standard procedures, work techniques and records as required by GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) and SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). We recommend the use of the OHAUS SF40A Printer. SAFETY INFORMATION 2.1 Definition of Signal Warnings and Symbols Safety notes are marked with signal words and warning symbols.

Your Moisture Analyzer is used for determining the moisture in samples. Use the instrument exclusively for this purpose. Any other type of use and operation beyond the limits of technical specifications without written consent from OHAUS, is considered as not intended. Moisture determination applications must be optimized and validated by the user according to local regulations.


MB90 EN-7 CAUTION The Halogen Moisture Analyzer works with heat! A) Ensure sufficient free space around the instrument to avoid heat accumulation and overheating (approx. 1 m free space above the heating module). B) The vent over the sample must never be covered, plugged, taped over or tampered with in any other way.

Quick Guide Remove packing material from the instrument. Check the instrument for transport damage. Immediately inform your Ohaus dealer if you have complaints or parts are missing. Store all parts of the packaging. This packaging guarantees the best possible protection for the transport of your instrument. MB90 EN-9 Installing the Tray Pan, Draft Shield and Pan Support Lift the cover straight up and Install the tray pan in the base of the heating chamber. Install the draft shield (only one position possible) on top of the tray pan.

Check to ensure the voltage stated on the Moisture Analyzer’s data label matches your local line voltage. If this is not the case, do not connect the Moisture Analyzer to the power supply, contact your responsible OHAUS dealer. The halogen dryer unit is designed to operate at a specific line voltage (90V AC or 240V AC). MB90 EN-11 Switching the Moisture Analyzer on and off Your Moisture Analyzer is on at all times when connected to a power source. The display can be turned on or off. To switch the Moisture Analyzer on, press the On/Off button.

An internal diagnostic test is performed. EN-12 MB90 Open the cover on the Moisture Analyzer. Wet the glass fiber pan with a 0.5 to 1 gram of water.

Attention: Minimum sample size must be greater than 0.5 gram. Starting the test Close the cover, the Moisture Analyzer starts the drying and measurement process automatically. MB90 EN-13 The analyzer comes with a default method preinstalled. The settings of the default method are shown on the display. To edit the settings, press on the area where the settings are displayed as shown to the left. Press the setting items to edit them. EN-14 MB90 MENU The Home screen appears after the moisture analyzer has been switched on.

Button area Current Method Results area Instructions area Date and time area 1. Method library: Change parameters and create new method. Test results: Manage test results. MB90 EN-15 Setup Press the Setup button to access the Setup menu. Help Information Press the Help button to access the Help menu. SETUP The setup menu is activated by pressing the Setup button. The menu contains: lock out, weight and temperature calibration, user settings, device settings, system and data management.

EN-16 MB90 Press Lock out to access the lock out menu. Press Lock to lock out Press Unlock to release.

Calibration 6.2.1 Weight calibration The Moisture Analyzer can be calibrated with an external mass of 50 grams. Calibration of the Moisture Analyzer is not absolutely necessary for a correct moisture determination as the measurement is relative. MB90 EN-17 Press the Calibration button to access calibration menu. Press Back to return to previous step.

Press the Weight adjustment-external button The display highlights the action you should take. Follow the instructions on the display. Remove the sample pan. Place the required weight on the sample pan, close the cover.

Ohaus Mb200 Moisture Analyzer Manual

EN-18 MB90 Press Calibration button. Press Back to return to previous screen.

Moisture Analyzer For Plastics

Press Exit to return to Home screen. Press Temperature calibration button. You are now prompted to remove the pan support. Place a temperature calibration unit and close the upper housing. MB90 EN-19 CAUTION: Danger of burns. Be careful when removing the temperature calibration unit from the dryer unit as it can be very hot.

Allow it to cool down by opening the cover before removing. Remove the calibration unit. Replace the pan support in its proper positions. EN-20 MB90 Press Weight and temperature calibration button to access the calibration screen. Press Back to return to previous screen.

Press Exit to return to Home screen. Press the Temperature calibration history button.

Here you will find the last temperature calibration result. MB90 EN-21 Select LANGUAGE. Note: If you select English as the dialog language, the date format is changed and appears on all records in the MM/DD/YYYY format. 6.3.2 Brightness Press Setup button to access the Setup menu. Press Back to return to Home screen. EN-22 MB90 6.3.3 Sound Press Setup button to access the Setup menu. Press Back to return to previous screen.

Press User settings button to access the User settings menu. Press Back to return to previous screen. Press Exit to return to Home screen. MB90 EN-23 Press Back to return to previous screen. Press Device settings to access the Device settings menu. Press Back to return to previous screen. Press Exit to return to Home screen.

Press the Date-Time button. Press the follow items to set the date and time. EN-24 MB90 Set time. Press +and – to set correct time.

6.4.2 Peripherals This Moisture Analyzer is equipped with USB and RS232 compatible interfaces for communication with USB storage devices, printers and computers. The following sections describe the hardware and software provided with the Moisture Analyzer. MB90 EN-25 Setting Baud rate Select the desired baud rates of 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200.

Default setting is 9600 Baud. Setting Data bits Select the desired data bits of 7 or 8. Default setting is 8. EN-26 MB90 Press Device settings button. Press Back to return to previous screen. Press Exit to return to Home screen.

Press Print settings button to access the Print settings menu. Press Print calibration result automatically to switch ON or OFF.

MB90 EN-27 Press GLP and GMP Data to access the GLP and GMP Data menu. Press Back to return to previous screen. Press Exit to return to Home screen. Press Company name, Department or Instrument ID buttons to define related information. EN-28 MB90 When the adjustment complete, press OK to exit. System and data management 6.5.1 Export and import settings and methods Press Setup button to access Setup menu.

Press Back to return to Home screen. Press System and data management button to access the System and data management menu. MB90 EN-29 Press the items to select. Press Cancel to cancel data export.

Press OK to confirm and back to previous step. After selecting the location, Export button is available. Press Cancel to cancel data export. Press Export to execute. EN-30 MB90 6.5.2 Backup and restore Press Backup and restore to backup or restore the system settings. Backup system Press Backup system on USB flash drive to back up system. Press Back to previous step. Press Back to return to previous step. MB90 EN-31 After select the restore file, the Restore button is available.

Press Cancel the restore. Press Restore to execute. 6.5.3 Export event logs Press Export event logs to access the export event logs menu. Press File name to change file name.

EN-32 MB90 After factory reset, press OK to restart instrument. 6.5.5 Software update Press Software update to access the update the software. Press update from file to select file to update.

Press Cancel to return to previous screen. After select the update file, the Update button is available. MB90 EN-33 METHOD LIBRARY This section contains information on the use of the Method Library which will enable you to set the actual drying parameters such as Profile, Switch-Off, Display, Target Weight and the use of the library. The Operating Concept You have already set the Moisture Analyzer setup in Section 6 and have tried the simple moisture determination in Section 4. EN-34 MB90 Enter either a method name or identifying number and press the OK button. Setting the Drying Profile The drying profile contains two settings, Standard and Fast. This section describes each of the drying profiles.

Review the profile descriptions. Depending upon the sample material to be analyzed, select the appropriate profile and proceed as follows: Press the Drying profile button. MB90 EN-35 Selecting the switch-off criterion This menu offers you different switch-off criterion. Switch-off criterion defines when the instrument should end the drying. Switch-off criterion eliminates checking your watch or clock and stopping the drying manually.

Review the list below and select one criterion that suits your purpose. EN-36 MB90%MC(Moisture Content) = Initial weight-Final weight x 100% Initial weight%DC(Solids Content) = Final weight x100% Initial weight%RG(Regain Content) = Initial weight-Final weight x 100% Final weight Target Weight Target weight is used when previous samples have been tested and the target weight is known.

A consistent sample size is required when using Target Weight. MB90 EN-37 The check weighing bar indicates the sample weight.

Starting Mode In this menu you can define if the instrument should perform certain functions automatically or manually. Press the Starting mode button.

Automatic This mode can be used for most kinds of samples. EN-38 MB90 After change the settings, the Save button available. Press Save to save to default method. 7.10 Method export and import. Press Export to export methods. Press File name to change export file name.

Press Location to select the export location. MB90 EN-39 Press Import to import methods. Press Import from file to select the file to import. Press Cancel to previous screen. After select the import file, the Import button is available. Press Location to change the import location.

Press Import selection to select methods to import. EN-40 MB90 Press Back to previous step.

Press Delete to delete current result. Press Export to export current result.

Press Curve to show result curve. Press Back to results list. Press Delete to delete current result.

Press Export to export current result. MB90 EN-41 8.1.3 Result export Press Export to export all the results. Press File name prefix to edit file name. Press Location to select export location. Press Export selection to select export results.

Press Cancel to previous step. After select the export location, the Export button is available. EN-42 MB90 Press File name to edit file name. Press Location to select export location. Press Cancel to previous step. After select the export location, the Export button is available.

Press Cancel to previous step. Press Export to the export result. MB90 EN-43 Weight calibration printout Temperature calibration printout WEIGHT ADJUST EXTERNAL TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT 1.Jan 2016 11:20 1.Jan.2016 11:25 Halogen Moisture Analyzer Halogen Moisture Analyzer Type MB90 Type MB90 SNR(Drying Unit) 1234567 SNR(Drying Unit) 1234567 SNR(Terminal) SNR(Terminal) Weight ID Temp Kit ID. Signature: 1.Jan.15 15:35 -END- Attention: When printing data to an OHAUS SF40A printer, please disable the printer setting “Balance Feature” first. 10.1 RS232 Command Table Output Formats Data output can be initiated in one of two ways: 1.

By pressing the Print button. MB90 EN-45 10.2 RS232 Pin out The following table illustrates the pin-out connections on the RS232 connector. Date Out (RXD) 4&6 Ground – Clear to send (CTS).

This entry was posted on 06.09.2019.