Avaya Cms Reports Manual
. Avaya Call Management System (CMS) Custom Reports 585-215-822 Comcode 105501867 Issue 3.0 May 2002. Avaya Support Avaya product and any other voice/data/video equipment that could be Avaya provides a telephone number for you to use to report problems or accessed via this Avaya product (that is, “networked equipment”). To ask questions about your contact center. The support telephone An “outside party”.
Avaya CMS Custom Reports, 585-215-822, was written for the CMS administrator who. Use the following web sites to view related support documentation. Avaya™ Call Management System (CMS) and CMS Supervisor. Sample Real-Time, Historical, and Integrated Reports Avaya™ CMS and Supervisor Sample Reports.
Avaya Call Management System (CMS) Custom Reports Contents Preface. Save the field definition.Changing a field definition 4 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining bars in a report.Define the position and length of a bar.6 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Preface Introduction Avaya CMS Custom Reports, 585-215-822, was written for the CMS administrator who has access to all parts of CMS, and for administrators, such as split/skill supervisors, who have limited access to CMS. Organization and use of this document The following list describes the contents of each chapter and appendix in this document. Include forecast data in a custom report Select rows from more than one table Do other alternative row search conditions Repeat aggregate function values in historical reports Glossary Defines Custom Reports terms and some CMS terms. 8 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
Related Documents lists sources for related information about contact center products and features. Not all documents are supported for all CMS releases or equipment.
To order Avaya documentation, call the Avaya Publications Center at 1-800-457-1235 or +1-410-568-3680. CMS software documents. SPARCserver 5 to an Enterprise 3500). The new hardware platform is shipped from the Avaya factory with the latest CMS load.
Therefore, as part of the upgrade you will have the latest CMS load (for example, R3V9 to R3V11, or the latest load of the same CMS version). A specific set of upgrade instructions is written for the upgrade and is shipped to the customer site with the CUE kit. Document title Avaya Call Management System Release 3 Version 11 Sun Blade 100 Computer CUE Instructions Avaya Call Management System Release 3 Version 11 Sun Blade 100 Computer Mirrored System CUE Instructions. Preface Hardware documents Document title Document number Avaya Call Management System Sun Blade 100 Computer Hardware Installation, 585-310-783 Maintenance, and Troubleshooting Avaya Call Management System Sun Blade 100 Computer Connectivity Diagram 585-310-782 Avaya Call Management System Sun Enterprise 3500 Computer Hardware. Document number Avaya Call Management System Open Database Connectivity 585-780-701 Avaya Call Management System Release 3 Version 11 LAN Backup User Guide 585-215-715 Avaya CMS Release 3 Version 11 External Call History Interface 585-780-700 CentreVu CMS Release 3 Version 9 External Call History Interface. The following conventions are used throughout this document: Related document Includes the document number and the book callouts title in italic. For example, See the Avaya CMS R3V11 Custom Reports (585-215-822) document for more information.
Courier font Designates a word or phrase quoted directly from the Avaya CMS system. Introduction to Custom Reports Overview This chapter provides the following Avaya Call Management System (CMS) information: Custom reports and Screen Painter on page 15 Tasks to create a custom report on page 17 Standard reports that cannot be customized on page 19.
CAUTION: Do not tamper with standard ACD data in the CMS database. If you do, you will lose stored data. Important: You cannot merge real-time data with historical data. 16 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Tasks to create a custom report Tasks to create a custom report There are 14 tasks you need to complete to create a custom report.
If you consistently do all of these tasks for each report you create, then your reports will run properly and you will be able to create them efficiently. 117 Test your report immediately after designing and saving it. Testing helps eliminate wasted time in running a report whose design still has errors. Running Custom Reports on page 129 Run your report.
18 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Standard reports that cannot be customized Standard reports that cannot be customized The following standard CMS reports cannot be customized: Real-time: Multi-ACD report Real-time: Multi-ACD Top Agent report Historical: Split/Skill: Status report Historical: VDN: Status report Historical: System: Multi-ACD by Split/Skill report (daily, weekly, monthly) Historical: System: Multi-ACD Call Flow by VDN report Historical: Trunk Group: Busy Hour report Historical: VDN: Busy Hour report. The example in the above figure shows data for the current intrahour interval for agents 1001 to 3009.
Because data in this table is in real time, data changes second by second. The example represents a snapshot (or the most recent update) of the table. 20 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
Database items in CMS. The Current Interval Agent table and the Intrahour Interval Split table actually contain many more columns (and hence many more database items) than are shown in the figures. For a complete listing of database items, see Avaya CMS R3V11 Database Items and Calculations, (585-780-702). 509 ACD calls (ACDCALLS ) 43 abandoned calls (ABANDONS ) 35,401 cumulative seconds of ACD talk time for all ACD calls (ACDTIME ) 851 cumulative seconds of wait time for all calls that abandoned before being answered (ABNTIME ). 22 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. How CMS stores and retrieves data How CMS retrieves data CMS retrieves data from the database based on three types of information you supply when you design a custom report: The name of the table The database items in the table The rows of data in the table. 5642 2003 2221 2004 2242 2005 2287 2006 3982 2007 6543 2008 2345 2009 2022 2010 4323 3001 7655 3002 3425 3003 4563 3004 8885 3005 5544 3006 3789 3007 8675 3008 3009 3009 4477 24 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
How CMS stores and retrieves data Next, you identify the appropriate rows that supply data. If you want agents in Split 1, you must tell CMS to find rows that have the value 1 for the SPLIT database item.
When you run the report, CMS finds the appropriate rows of data in the cagent table. As another example of how CMS retrieves report data is shown in Sample 2 custom report design, which is an example of a report design for a custom intrahour interval split report that lists, by intrahour interval, data for a split in a single day.
26 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. How CMS stores and retrieves data Sample 2 custom report design Split: xxxxxxxxxxx Date: xxxxxxxx Interval Calls Abandons vvvvvvv vvvv vvvv To tell CMS how to retrieve data, you must tell CMS to access the hsplit (Intrahour Interval Split) table.
You must then assign the appropriate database items to the fields. When you run the report, CMS finds the columns of data associated with the database items in the hsplit table (see figure above). The date 07/02/93, which means you must identify rows with the value 070293 for the ROWDATE database item. The intrahour intervals 8:00 a.m. To 11:00 a.m., which means you must identify rows with the values 0800 through 1100 for the one database item.
28 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. How CMS stores and retrieves data CMS then finds the appropriate rows of data.
See the boxed rows in the following figure: Sample 2 of selection of table rows SPLIT ABANDONS ROWDATE ABNTIME ACDCALLS ACDTIME INTERVAL. Defining data is the central task of creating and designing a custom report. However, you must do many other tasks to create a custom report. Chapter 1: Getting started page 31, walks you through these tasks. 30 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
Chapter 1: Getting started Getting started explains how to perform the following tasks in Avaya Call Management System (CMS): Defining a report’s name, access, type, and option on page 31 This is the first task in designing your custom report. The system displays the Custom Reports submenu: 2. Select the Edit Reports submenu option. The system displays the Report Select window: Note: If the Global Dictionary/ACD Groups feature has not been authorized the window will not display the Report option menu. 32 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
Fleetwood prowler rv manual. Defining a report’s name, access, type, and option Assign a name to the report Enter a name for your report in the Report name field. The name can have up to 20 characters, including spaces. Because the name you give your report must be unique, you may want to look at existing custom report names before entering a name for your report. 50 characters, including spaces. Your description should be detailed enough to describe the report's contents accurately. Do not use the following characters: back slash semicolon ’ grave accent tilde “ double quotes pipe asterisk question mark 34 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
Defining a report’s name, access, type, and option Define the user ID Enter the user ID of the owner of the report. The default is your user ID.
If you are a CMS administrator, you can enter another user’s ID if you want to create a custom report for that user. Enter an x to select one of the following options: Single ACD Only (default) ACD Group Only Both Single ACD and ACD Group Note: If the Global Dictionary/ACD Groups feature has not been authorized the window will not display the Report option menu.
36 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining a report’s name, access, type, and option Save the report name To save the report name: 1. Press Return 2. Select Add 3. Press Return The status line displays successful. If CMS does not add the report name because the name is not unique, List all to see what names already exist, and go back to Assign a name to the report on page 33.
ID, you must add a new report name (with the wanted user ID), access Screen Painter, copy the old report's design to the new report, and finally delete the old report name. 38 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Deleting a custom report Deleting a custom report You need to be a CMS administrator to delete another user’s custom reports.
To delete a custom report: 1. On the Report Select window, complete the fields you want to search on, and select List all. Getting started 40 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. 54 Navigating Screen Painter To design your Avaya Call Management System (CMS) custom report, use Screen Painter.
With Screen Painter, you can enter report text, data fields, and data bars in a layout that closely resembles the layout of the actual report. Move the cursor one space in the direction the arrow (, points.
Moves the cursor eight spaces to the right. You can also when you are defining blocks (see Editing a report with blocks on page 48“. 42 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Navigating Screen Painter Shift+Tab Press and hold Shift; then press Tab.
This key combination moves the cursor eight spaces to the left. You can also use Shift+Tab when you are defining blocks (see the “Editing a report with blocks” section in this chapter). Current Screen Painter, the secondary window remains open. However, until you close the secondary window, Screen Painter is locked and you cannot enter text or select any other action list options. 44 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
Copying an existing report design Editing keys in secondary windows In the secondary windows only, you can use the standard field editing keys. These keys, which offer you considerable convenience, are as follows: Ctrl+e Turns insert mode on or off. With insert mode on, you insert characters at the cursor’s current position in the field. Verify the report on page 47 Copy the report on page 47 Access the get copy window On Screen Painter, select the Get copy of design action list option.
The system displays the Get Copy window: 46 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Copying an existing report design Enter a report name In the Report name field of the Get Copy window, enter the name of the report you want to copy.
You can copy standard report designs, global report designs, and private report designs. If a block includes any part of a field/bar, CMS automatically includes the entire field in the block. You should therefore use care when deleting blocks to avoid unintentionally deleting a field/bar. You can edit a report in blocks using the steps described in the following pages. 48 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Editing a report with blocks Erasing a block Note: Prior to completing a block erase, you can press to cancel the Ctrl+c erasure. To erase a block: 1.
On Screen Painter, place the cursor over one corner of the block, and select Erase block. Move the cursor to the opposite corner of the block. The block should include all fields and text you want to move. The block you are defining becomes highlighted as you move the cursor. (See the following figure.) 50 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Editing a report with blocks Defining a block to move Note: For our example, we want to keep the ACW time column, but we want to move it over to the left next to the other report items we want to keep.
The block you are defining becomes highlighted as you move the cursor. Press Return The following message is displayed in the status line: Move cursor to locate upper left corner of copy, press Return. 52 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Entering report text 4. Move the cursor to the new position for the upper left corner of the block, and press Return All fields and text within the block are copied to the new location. When you copy a block, the block’s text or fields cannot overlap any other text or fields.
If you do try to copy a block to a location where it will overlap existing text or fields, an error message displays in the status line. Enter y or Y for yes, n or N for no: If you enter n (or N ), you are returned to Screen Painter without saving any changes. If you enter y (or Y ), you are returned to the Report Select window. 54 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
Chapter 3: Defining the data for a custom report Defining the data for a custom report includes the following topics: Defining fields for the Report Input window on page 55 Defining report fields on page 66 Defining bars in a report on page 80 Defining the rows of data for a report on page 88. Defining the data for a custom report Access the Report Input window To run a standard Avaya Call Management System (CMS) report, you first access a Report Input window (see Sample Report Input window). The Report Input window gives you control over what data (which splits/skills, trunks, dates, intrahour intervals, and so on) are included in the report. Defining fields for the Report Input window The Define Input window Define the variable name Enter a name of up to eight alphanumeric characters in the Variable name field.
You must use this exact variable name again in the Row Search window when you define your row search conditions (see the “Defining the rows of data for a report”. For example, if you want the user to enter a date, “Date” would be an appropriate prompt. However, if the user can enter more than one date in the field, “Dates” would be more appropriate. 58 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining fields for the Report Input window Define the number of field columns and rows The size of the input field is determined by the product of the numbers entered in the Field columns and the Field rows fields on the Report Input window.
The maximum product of the two numbers you enter here cannot exceed 50. Call Work Code The user must enter a call work code name or number. Up to 6 call work codes may exist. See “Multiple Call Work Codes” in Avaya CMS R3V11 Database Items and Calculations, 585-780-702, for more information.
Date The user must enter a date in mm/dd/yy format or as a relative number (for example, -7 for 7 days ago). Defining fields for the Report Input window Type Description Split/Skill The user must enter a split/skill number or name. String The user must enter a character string. Select this type only if one of the following is true: 1. Your variable field is linked to a custom database item that you identify in INFORMIX.
as a CHAR column. Enter an x in the Associated ACD list to associate the variable field with either the current ACD or a user-selected ACD. You must select an associated ACD if the input field you are defining is a type listed under the heading (associated ACD required). 62 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining fields for the Report Input window These field types require an associated ACD because they are administered for each ACD. For field types not administered per ACD, CMS ignores any selection of an associated ACD.
Select Current ACD if either of the following conditions is true: You have only one ACD. 2 for the second prompt, 3 for the third, and so on. Select the Modify action list option to save the display order. The Define Input: Order window closes, and the cursor returns to its previous position on the Define Input window. 64 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
Defining fields for the Report Input window Changing report input fields To change the report input fields: 1. On Screen Painter, select the Define input action list option. The Define Input window is displayed. Enter a name in the Variable name field, and select Find one. The defined characteristics of the variable name are displayed. Justify data in the field on page 75 Define the field format on page 75 Save the field definition on page 79 Defining report fields also includes the following topic: Changing a field definition on page 80 66 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining report fields Define the position and length of a field To define the position and length of a field: 1.
On Screen Painter, position the cursor where you want a field to begin, and select Field from the action list. The cursor returns to its original position, and the following message is displayed: Move cursor to define opposite corner of field and press RETURN.
162 for a description of database tables and items including the exceptions, forecast, and login/logout tables. See Advanced report design on page 131, for more information about custom reports that include exceptions and forecast data. 68 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining report fields Standard database items are often shared by more than one table. For example, ABNCALLS can identify a column in the Current Interval Split, Daily Split, or Intrahour Agent tables (or many other tables). Note: CMS can determine the exact database item only when it is identified with a table. Dictionary subsystem.
CMS then applies those changes to every report that uses the calculation name. 70 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining report fields For example, if you use the standard calculation name, which represents the calculation 100.((IACDTIME+IACWTIME)/ISTAFFTIME), but do not want to include the ACWTIME in the calculation, you can change the calculation in the Dictionary subsystem so that represents 100.(IACDTIME/ISTAFFTIME).
ACD calls in any single interval on 07/02/93. Likewise, if you entered max(ACDTIME/ACDCALLS) for the field, CMS would display the value 101.53 (which is the highest average talk time in any single interval on 07/02/93). 72 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
Defining report fields Sample Intrahour Split Table Data SPLIT ABANDONS DATE ABNTIME ACDCALLS ACDTIME STARTTIME 0 93 1000 9786 0 93 1100 93 1100 1 1452 0 0 0 36178. Selecting rows from more than one table on page 151.
Note: You cannot use calculation names for a field in which you merge data from two tables, and you cannot merge data in real-time reports. 74 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining report fields Define the tables for calculation names Enter a table name in the Table for calculations field only if you entered a calculation name in the Select field. The table name tells CMS in what table to look for the database items in the calculation. VDNs, trunk groups, and vectors.
In fact, for the VDN and LOGID database items, you may want to select Synonym, not String, since you may have assigned names to VDNs and login IDs in the Dictionary subsystem. 76 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Select Synonym to display a name defined in the Dictionary subsystem, instead of the value stored in the database tables. You must also enter the Dictionary name type. See “Dictionary” chapter in Avaya CMS R3V11 Administration, 585-215-515, for a complete description of synonym types.
The minutes count is increased by one when the seconds count reaches 60. The hours count increases by one when the minutes count reaches 60. With this format, you can increase the digits for hours if necessary, but not the minutes digits.
78 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining report fields Time (point in time) Select Time (point in time) if the field expression will display a point in time (for example, 10:34am ). Enter a time format with the appropriate punctuation. You can use one of the following formats: The hour only, in military time (24-hour clock). The position and length of the bar The direction of the bar — horizontal or vertical The thresholds that cause the bar to change color The scale of the bar. 80 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
Defining bars in a report The bar’s legend If you copy the design of an existing bar graph, the bars are displayed filled with X s, V s, or H s. X s indicate that the bar is discrete.
The bar is displayed as a single bar in the report because, based on the row search conditions assigned to the bar, CMS finds only one value. However, the following types of database items do not make sense for bars: Identifiers (for example, SPLIT, VDN, LOGID, and so on) Current state data (for example, WORKMODE, or DURATION ) Constants (unless they are part of a calculation). 82 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining bars in a report Also, if a bar’s expression is a database item that stores a number of seconds, the bar normally shows time as seconds.
However, you can make the bar represent minutes by dividing the database item by 60. In addition, to complete your definition of bar data, you must, as for field data, define row search conditions for the bars.
Scale without no scale tick marks tick marks 04/19/02 00:30 AM Avaya(TM) CMS Windows: 2 of 5 ^ Custom Reports: Historical: split status Tick Mark% Within Abandons ACD Calls Service Level Row 1 Col 1 84 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Define Input window. Thresholds bar graph Second threshold First threshold Maximum graph value 04/19/95 00:30 AM Avaya(TM) CMS Windows: 1 of 5 ^ Custom Reports: Historical: split status. (see the following figure).
In this case, you would want the bar to be a normal color when the percentage is high, a caution color when the percentage goes down, and a warning color when the percentage is very low. 86 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
Defining bars in a report Thresholds reversed bar graph Second threshold First threshold Maximum graph value 04/19/95 00:30 AM Avaya(TM) CMS Windows: 1 of 5 ^ Custom Reports: Historical: split status.Row 1 Col 1 Normal. To define the rows of data for a report, perform the following tasks in the order indicated: Access the Row Search window on page 89 List the Report Input Variables on page 90 Select a Row Search ID on page 90 88 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining the rows of data for a report Select tables on page 91 Select rows in the tables on page 93 Select a field/bar type on page 97 Select a Sort type on page 98 Select a sort order for data on page 99 Save your row search conditions on page 100. Note that there are different types of “join” clauses. Advanced report design on page 131, and your INFORMIX documentation for more information on “join” clauses.
90 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining the rows of data for a report Select tables From the Row Search window, in the From tables field, enter the names of the tables whose rows supply data. Use a comma to separate multiple table names. Example: From tables: hagent,dagent If you are going to assign this row search ID to a particular report field/bar, the names in the From tables field must include the table names that you assigned to the report field. Vector data summarized by week mvector Vector data summarized by month hvdn VDN data for each intrahour interval dvdn VDN data summarized by day wvdn VDN data summarized by week mvdn VDN data summarized by month 92 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Forecast current day configuration data by split/skill fcdayrep Current day forecast data by split/skill See Avaya CMS Database Items and Calculations, 582-780-702, for a description of these tables and the database items they contain. Select rows in the tables In the Select rows where: field, enter a selection criteria statement to tell CMS how to select data from the table.
When you run the report, CMS finds the row in the table (see the following figure) for Split 5 and fills in the report fields with data from that row (in bold in the figure). 94 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining the rows of data for a report Sample Current Interval Split table SPLIT ABANDONS ABNTIME ACDCALLS ACDTIME 2 2 1058 1 8 9786 33389 Thus, the report fields show the following data: Split: 5 ACD Calls: 451 Average Talk Time: 61 (the result of 27635/451 ) Note: This example of row search criteria would also include the selection of an. If you want to exclude Split 5 from the report, but include all other splits, you might enter a “where” clause as follows: Select rows where: SPLIT!= 5 Select rows where: SPLIT 5 96 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining the rows of data for a report Select a field/bar type From the Row Search window, in the Field/var type: field enter x to select Discrete. Select the Discrete type if CMS will find only one value for each report field/bar to which you are assigning this Row Search ID.
For dates and times, lowest values are those dates/times farthest in the past. Sample of data ordered by date in descending order DATE SPLIT ACDCALLS 10/12/99 10/12/99 10/12/99 10/11/99 10/11/99 10/11/99 10/10/99 10/10/99 10/10/99 98 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining the rows of data for a report Select a sort order for data From the Row Search window, in the Order by: field, enter a database item (with its table name) to specify how multi-row data should be sequenced in the report. CMS orders the rows of data by the values for the database item. Successful is displayed in the window’s status line to indicate the Row Search conditions have been added. After you have successfully saved your row search conditions, you can then assign the row search ID to report fields/bars.
100 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining the rows of data for a report Assign a row search ID to report fields and bars To complete the definition of data for a field or bar, you must assign a row search ID to the field/bar. Use the following steps to do this. Note: If a field already has an assigned row search ID (for example, a field that is part of a design you have copied), you must first remove the existing row.
A report with the design shown in the previous figure might be displayed as shown in the following figure: Sample report with discrete field and bar 04/19/95 00:30 AM Avaya(TM) CMS Windows: 2 of 5 ^ Custom Reports: Screen Painter: split status: Hist Split: Sales-West 82.00 100% 102 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. ’s and assigned bars are displayed with uppercase V ’s as shown in the following figure: Sample field and bar design — vertically repeated 04/19/95 00:30 AM Avaya(TM) CMS Windows: 2 of 5 ^ Custom Reports: Screen Painter: split status: Hist Add highlights. Sample report with horizontally repeated field and bar 07/19/93 00:30 AM Avaya(TM) CMS Windows: 2 of 5 ^ Custom Reports: Screen Painter: split status: Hist Split: Sales-West Date: 06/08/93 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 100% Percent Within Service Level 104 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining the rows of data for a report Changing row search conditions To change the row search conditions: 1.
On Screen Painter, select the Row search action list option. The Row Search window is displayed. Enter a number from 0 to 9 in the Row Search ID field, and select the Find one action list option. To define a field with one of these types of information, perform the following tasks in the order indicated: Access the Variable/Time/Date window on page 107 Define the display type and format on page 107 Save the Var/Date/Time field on page 109 106 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
Defining fields to show run time/date and user inputs Access the Variable/Time/Date window On Screen Painter, place the cursor where the left end of the field should be displayed, and select Variable/time/date. The system displays the Var/Time/Date window: The Var/Time/Date window Define the display type and format Note: You are given flexibility in defining the appearance of the date and time. 1 to 20, that the ACD field should have.
If you have defined names in the Dictionary subsystem for your ACDs, then you may want to enter 20, since this is the maximum length for Dictionary names. 108 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Saving your work Save the Var/Date/Time field Select Save. The Var/Time/Date window closes.
CMS marks the field in one of the following ways: For a date, the format you defined is displayed (for example, mm/dd/yy ). For a time, the format you defined is displayed (for example, hh:mmam ). For an input variable, a string of dollar signs ( $$$ ) is displayed, with the number of dollar signs equaling the field length you assigned to the variable’s input field on the Define Input window. Defining the data for a custom report 110 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
Completing your custom report Highlighting fields For each individual Avaya Call Management System (CMS) custom report, you can administer how the screen displays the colors and brightness levels of the text, data, and background. You can also administer color, brightness, reverse video, and underlining to emphasize individual fields and text in the report. The brightness and blinking options also affect the display of reverse video. Draws a line under any text/data in the defined Underline area. If you also select “Reverse video,' the underline color/brightness is reversed.
112 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Highlighting fields Text color (for color terminals only): Displays text in the color set in the Options: Default Color window, which you access via Commands Assigns to the text one of the eight colors Specific color displayed at the bottom of the window.
If you select this option, you must enter the number of the color in the associated field you want. In your custom report, you may want to assign areas as no-scroll areas. You can assign one no-scroll area on the left side of the report and one no-scroll area at the top of the report. 114 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining stationary (no-scroll) areas To define no-scroll areas: 1. On Screen Painter, select Upper/left no-scroll.
The cursor returns to the upper left corner of the report. The following message is displayed on the status line: Move the cursor down and right. Press RETURN when finished. Screen Painter. Note: After you save your design, you can continue working on the design, test it, or exit Screen Painter and continue working on the design at a later time.
116 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Testing the report design Testing the report design Instead of running a report and having it fail because you had errors in your design, you can test the design directly from Screen Painter. Testing your report design regularly can save you time. To test a report design: 1. If you have no errors, press the screen-labeled key and continue with your design, or Exit save the design and exit Screen Painter.
118 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Test Design Error Messages Test Design Error Messages Test design error messages are divided into three categories: Phase 1 Error Messages (detected before the sample input screen is displayed) Phase 2 Historical Error Messages (require the sample input before occurring) Phase 2 Real-Time Error Messages (require the sample input before occurring).
“where” clauses to the row search criteria. Message: CMS system error - Data collection off Cause: Avaya CMS cannot test the row search criteria while data collection is off. Solution: Turn data collection on and rerun test of report design. Test Design Error Messages Message: CMS system error - Updating translations Cause: CMS cannot test the row search criteria while CMS is receiving the set of configuration data from the switch.
Solution: Wait until configuration data has been sent. Then rerun the test of report design. —202 Description: An illegal character has been found in the statement. Solution: Remove the illegal character (often a nonprintable control character) and resubmit the statement 1 INFORMIX is a registered trademark of Informix Software, Inc. 122 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Test Design Error Messages —203 Description: An illegal integer has been found in the statement.
Solution: Integers must be whole numbers from -2,147483,647 to +2,147,483,647. Verify that you have not included a number with a fractional portion or a number outside the acceptable range.
Description: There are too many GROUP BY columns (maximum is eight). Solution: Reduce to eight or fewer the number of nonaggregate database items that are assigned the same row search ID as that assigned to an aggregate function. 124 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Test Design Error Messages —301 Description: The total size of the GROUP BY columns exceeds 120 characters. Solution: The total number of characters in all columns listed in the GROUP BY list exceeds 120 characters. Reduce the number of nonaggregate database items that are assigned to a row search ID that is also assigned to an aggregate function. Solution: Days must be represented as the number of the day (01 through 31).
Check the value entered in the date field. —1226 Description: Decimal or money value exceeds maximum precision. Solution: Increase the precision of the DECIMAL or MONEY field. 126 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Test Design Error Messages Phase 2 real-time error codes Phase 2 real-time error codes contains the real-time Database Manager error codes. Each code includes a description of the error and a recommended solution. These errors are reported in the following format: CMS Database Manager error.
—11 Description: CMS system error. Solution: Check the error logs.
—12 Description: Memory allocation error. Solution: Check the error logs. —13 Description: Query cannot select more than one table. Solution: Check the error logs.
128 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Running Custom Reports Running Custom Reports You run custom reports using steps similar to steps you use to run standard reports.
However, you run custom reports from the Custom Reports Main Menu option. Also, the Report Input window shows input fields you defined on the Define Input window for the report. If your custom report is not listed, try changing your current ACD.
For example, if you cannot find a custom report that you previously defined as a ACD Group Only, change the current ACD to a group ACD. Then your report will be listed. 130 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Chapter 5: Advanced report design Creating a custom data table The section of the Avaya Call Management System (CMS) database that stores historical ACD data uses the INFORMIX SQL (ISQL) Relational Database Management System.
All historical ACD data available for use in custom reports is stored in tables in the CMS database. INFORMIX table definitions and/or custom data, you can restore the table definitions using UNIX, then restore the custom data. See the “UNIX System/Solaris System” chapter in Avaya CMS Administration, 585-215- 515, for procedures on backing up data via the UNIX system. Creating a custom data table 4. At the $ prompt, type the following pathname: /usr/informix/bin/isql. Press Return. The INFORMIX logo is displayed, followed by the INFORMIX Main Menu: INFORMIX-SQL: Form Report Query-language User-menu Database Table Exit Run, Modify, Create, or Drop a form.
Press CTRL-W for Help - Build the table In INFORMIX, you can select menu items in one of two ways. ADD NAME Enter column name. RETURN adds it. INTERRUP returns to CREATE/ALTER menu.
Page 1 of 1 - cms - Press CTRL-W for Help - Column Name Type Length Index Nulls.134 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Creating a custom data table 6. Type a name of up to 18 characters for the column you are adding. If needed you can use names of standard CMS database items only if you enter the name in lowercase letters in the Dictionary subsystem. The Dictionary: Custom Items window accepts only lowercase letters for custom item names that are the same as standard database items. Serial data type automatically becomes an index.
Make the column an index only if the column will be used for row searches and the table will contain more than 200 rows of data. 136 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
Creating a custom data table Prompt What to Do DUPLICATES Enter y if you want to allow the column to contain the same value in different rows. For example, if the column were to contain the last names of people, you would probably want to allow multiple entries (because, for example, you might have many different people with the last name of Smith). If errors are found, then you must go back to the Alter Table screen and correct these errors. You must then repeat steps 11 and 12 until the Table menu reis displayed.
Avaya Cms Reports Designer
Select Exit to return to the INFORMIX Main Menu. The INFORMIX Main Menu is displayed. 138 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Creating a custom data table Add data to the table To help you add data to the table, you must first create a data entry form associated with your table. For more information about forms, see “Creating Your Own Forms” in the INFORMIX-SQL Relational Database Management System User Guide.
Row added is displayed. The row of data has been added to the table and saved. Repeat Steps 8 through 11 for each row of data you want to add.
Type e (for Exit) three times to exit INFORMIX. The system displays the UNIX prompt. 140 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
When this happens, you can lose or damage custom data and ACD data. Therefore, if you create custom data tables, be careful to regularly check the amount of disk space available. See Avaya CMS R3V11 Administration, 585-215-515, for more information on disk storage. The system displays the FORM menu. The system displays the RUN FORM screen and a list of forms. Enter the name of a form, and press Return. The system displays the PERFORM menu.
142 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Creating a custom data table Adding rows of data to a table To add rows of data to a table: 1. The system displays the table’s column fields with the cursor in the first field. Enter data in the fields. Use Return or to move between fields. Handling Profiles window.
See the Avaya CMS R3V11 Database Items and Calculations, 585-780-702, for a complete list of the database items these tables contain. See the Avaya CMS R3V11 Forecast, 585-215-717, document for more information about Forecasting. If you were to design a very abbreviated version of the current day forecast report, the. Including Forecast data in a Custom Report Sample Forecast report design 04/19/95 00:30 AM Avaya(TM) CMS Windows: 2 of 5 ^ Custom Reports: Screen Painter: split status: Hist Split: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Forecast Method: Add highlights Date: $$$$$$$$ Copy block Define input. So, if you include the FMETHOD database item in a report, CMS displays a number, not a character string, in the report (see Avaya CMS R3V11 Database Items and Calculations, 585-780-702, for a description of these numbers). (see Avaya CMS R3V11 Database Items and Calculations, 585-780-702, for a description of these numbers).
The following table shows an example of a VDN exceptions. Screen Painter VDN Exceptions ACD: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Date: $$$$$$$$ Time Vector Exception Limit Threshold 0vvvvv 0vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 0vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 0vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 0vvv 0vvv Field Window Select: vdnex.VECTOR Field Window Select: vdnex.VDN Field Window Select: vdnex.TIME 148 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Including exceptions data in a custom report The previous figure is an example of the report that results from the design shown in the following figure: VDN Exceptions Report VDN Exceptions ACD: burbank Printed 04/10/93 04:35 PM Date: 04/09/93 Time Time Vector Exception. For retrieval of data from an exceptions table, you can only retrieve data for those exceptions that have been turned on for the particular split, agent, etcetera, that have actually occurred and have not been deleted from the database because they exceeded the storage parameters for exceptions. 150 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Selecting rows from more than one table Selecting rows from more than one table For historical reports only, you can merge data from two tables into a single report field. You can, for example, take the number of ACD calls a single agent handled (where data is taken from the dagent table) and divide by the total ACD calls handled by the agent’s split (where data is taken from the dsplit table).
$itime and hsplit.ACD = $acd and hsplit.SPLIT = hagent.SPLIT and hsplit.ROWDATE = hagent.ROWDATE and hsplit.STARTTIME = hagent.STARTTIME and hsplit.ACD = hagent.ACD The report design shown in the figure below illustrates how this row search selection would affect data in a report: 152 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Report design with data from two tables merged in a field Field Window Select: hagent.LOGID Field Window Select: hagent.ACDCALLS 04/19/95 00:30 AM Avaya(TM) CMS Windows: 1 of 5 ^ Custom Reports: Hist: agent excepts Split: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Split ACD Add highlights 1xxxxx Date: $$$$$$$$. Windows: 1 of 5 ^ Custom Reports: Hist: split status Split: Sales-West Split ACD Date: 06/08/93 Calls Time: 8:00am Percent Agent ACD of Split Agent Calls Calls 1000 5.583 1004 4.369 1005 4.369 1009 5.097 1010 5.825 1012 5.583 154 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Alternative row search conditions Alternative row search conditions For your row search conditions, you will most often use the “where” clauses (See Defining the data for a custom report on page 55).
However, several additional “where” clause formats are available. Alternative row search conditions describes those formats.
Avaya Cms Reports Manual
Selecting rows based on a range of values If you want a range of splits included in the report, you might use two “where”. Actually,./01. would also find all dates, if they had passed, in the year 2001 (for example, 01/22/01, 08/03/01, and 11/31/01). The question mark (?
) matches any single character. Look at the following examples: Select rows where: EXTENSION matches '444?' 156 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. ACWOUT (numerical value of 30) AUXIN (numerical value of 40) AUXOUT (numerical value of 50) See Avaya CMS R3V11 Database Items and Calculations, 585-780-702, for a complete list of row search values for string-value database items. Issue 3.0 May 2002. For example, you may want a report (see figure below) that shows the maximum (max) ACD calls in an interval for each of a variety of splits. Repeated aggregate function report Date: 07/01/93 Max ACD Calls- Split Morning 158 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
Repeating aggregate function values This report would have the following design: Sample Report Design for Repeated Aggregate functions Screen Painter Date: $$$$$$$$ Max ACD Calls- Split Morning 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0xxxxx Field Window Field Window Select: hsplit.SPLIT Select: max(hsplit.ACDCALLS) Row Search Window Row search ID: 0 Table: hsplit Select rows where: SPLIT = $isplit and ROWDATE = $idate. CMS found four rows with the SPLIT value of 1, four rows with SPLIT value 2, and four rows with SPLIT value 3, but displayed each value only once in the report. This is because the aggregate function max(hsplit.ACDCALLS) field shares the same row search ID with the hsplit.SPLIT field. 160 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Repeating aggregate function values If the hsplit.SPLIT field and the max(hsplit.ACDCALLS) fields were assigned different row search IDs (with each ID having identical criteria), the report for Splits 1, 2, and 3 would show data as shown in the figure below: Group values Date: 07/01/93 Max ACD Calls.
Advanced report design Database Items and Calculations Reference Please refer to Avaya CMS Database Items and Calculations, 585-780-702, for full descriptions of the database items and calculations available through the Avaya Call Management System (CMS) software. 162 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Glossary ACD Group An administratively-defined set of ACDs that serves as the scope of multi-ACD administration and reporting. ACD Group Only When you select this report option, you are defining a report which will contain summarized information regarding ACDs that are members of an ACD Group. Queries for ACDs defined for this report will contain aggregate data of all the member ACDs within the ACD Group. Most database items are call-based. Call Management System (CMS) A software product used by business customers that have Avaya telecommunications switches/ECS and receive a large volume of telephone calls that are processed through the Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) feature of the switch/ECS.
Date format Count(.) An expression you can enter in the Select field in the Field or Bar window. Count(.) tells CMS to count the number of rows in a table that match certain row search conditions (as defined for the assigned Row Search ID) and display the total in the field/bar. 10 years in the past for each CMS-measured agent, split/skill, trunk, trunk group, vector, and VDN. Historical reports Reports that display past ACD data for various agent, split/skill, trunk, trunk group, vector, or VDN activities. 166 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Measured INFORMIX A relational database management system used to organize CMS historical data.
INFORMIX SQL A query language tool that is used to extract data from an INFORMIX database. For the CMS historical database, CMSQL is used in place of INFORMIX SQL.
Index A column (database item) that causes the values in a row to be related. The CMS user with read permission can access and view data (for example, run reports or view the Dictionary subsystem). Read permission is granted from the User Permissions subsystem. Real-time database Consists of the current and previous intrahour data on each CMS-measured agent, split/skill, trunk, trunk group, vector, and VDN. 168 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Second threshold Real-time reports Reports that display current ACD call activity on agents, splits/skills, trunks, trunk groups, vectors, and VDNs for the current or previous intrahour interval.
Current intrahour interval real-time reports are periodically updated as data changes during the interval. Previous intrahour interval real-time reports show data totals for activity that occurred in the previous intrahour interval. Standard database item A database item (column name) for a column in a standard CMS table. Standard database items are listed in the Dictionary subsystem. All database items are defined in Avaya CMS R3V11 Database Items and Calculations (585-780-702). String (Data format) A report field that displays data from a CHAR column. Subsystem Each CMS main menu selection (for example, Reports, Dictionary, System Setup, Exceptions, e-mail) along with Timetable and Shortcut is referred to as a subsystem of the Call Management System.
Table An array of columns and rows that stores data for a type of ACD element (split/skill, agent, trunk, and so on) and for a specific time frame (for the current intrahour interval, for past intrahour intervals, for past days, and so on). An expression in the Select rows where field that specifies values for a single database item or calculation. A “where” clause has the format Expression Relational operator Value. A row search criteria statement can consist or multiple “where” clauses. 172 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Index Bars, (continued).Repeated Symbols.Repeated Horizontally 'Where'.Ordered by Split and ACD Calls.
Block 174 Avaya CMS Custom Reports. Defining, (continued) dtrunk. Hcwc.Variable Names for 176 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.114 Input Fields That Allow Pattern Matching No-Scroll Areas.Run-Date.in Ascending or Descending Order.Running a Report 178 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.Specific Color Step 7. Wvector.Verify a Report 180 Avaya CMS Custom Reports.
I had a excel report that extracts data from Avaya CMS, however they moved the Avaya CMS application from my workstation to a RD Web Access. Now the VBA is not working anymore since the old CMS that was installed on my workstation is now in a RD web access. Is it possible to access Avaya CMS on a RD web access to extract a report to excel thru VBA? Thanks in advance!!