Operator Manual Fanuc Oi Tc
Page 33, parameter 1004. Bits 0 and 1 should be set to 0 in order for the smallest increment to be.0001. Unhelpful help is unhelpful. Ditto Thanks for that info - I've been wondering about that, too, even though I don't have a particular need to change my settings which are.0001 already.
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I found that in my manual for a 0i Mate TB (63040EN Parameter Manual) that shows the bit layout on page 30 and, as is usual, it's a bit cryptic. What I didn't get out of the parameter description is that the least command and least increment settings for that parameter represent the display as well. Cheers, Rich. When you're accustomed to processing numbers in a particular format, and one oddball machine is different than all the others, you're more likely to misread or miss key something. Fortunately, the Fanuc control is so intuitive that making human errors on it is almost impossible. And besides, it's not like there are any serious consequences to making a fat thumbed mistake on a CNC tool.
I think the intrinsic value of being able to command a machine an order of magnitude finer than its finest possible accuracy justifies the minor inconvenience. Yeah, those operators are just really ridiculous. When you're accustomed to processing numbers in a particular format, and one oddball machine is different than all the others, you're more likely to misread or miss key something. Fortunately, the Fanuc control is so intuitive that making human errors on it is almost impossible. And besides, it's not like there are any serious consequences to making a fat thumbed mistake on a CNC tool.
I think the intrinsic value of being able to command a machine an order of magnitude finer than its finest possible accuracy justifies the minor inconvenience. Yeah, those operators are just really ridiculous.
You are taking their 'request' or problem, in a totally different way than I am. DISPLAY of position is different than other aspects involving position.On many, if not most, Fanuc machines you have to key work offset and tool length offset numbers in manually. This is information taken from various position screens. Some screens where you input data, that data is visible in other locations on that screen, others have you keying in position data on one screen that was taken from another screen. (I think the day will come when Fanuc is no longer used on CNC tools, they're so asinine in so many ways I just want to punch somebody) There are a lot of opportunities to screw something up during setups and tweaks. Displaying additional (useless) information isn't helpful.
In my opinion, I don't consider it a nuisance request at all. I side with this argument: All the other CNC machines in the shop are set-up with a 4-place decimal display. The operators, set-up guys, etc are used to the 'footprint' of the 4-place decimal display. So.0100 (ten thou) can look like a hundred thou (.01000) at first glace. Yes, yes, that's a mistake that the operator would make.and the control is actually still correct, whether or not it is displaying 4 or 5 places. But the fact is, I can see the possibility for a mis-read, and that mistake could be costly, somehow, some way.
In order to eliminate the possibility for a mistake that this 5-place decimal display could cause, the control should be set to display a 4-place decimal. ANYWAY, 'we' were finally able to change the parameter to set the control to a 4-place decimal display.
I actually gave the info to the main set-up guy (the requestor), and he said that the display was indeed changed to a 4-place decimal format after changing the parameter, but also, everything changed to metric. I don't know if this is true or possible or if he made a mistake or what (the guy is pretty smart so I'm betting he is correct). I just found out about this and figured I'd revisit this post and ask for assistance. I do have the manual now (thanks dandrummerman21), so I will page through it but oftentimes I find the fanuc-ese hard to follow so I thought I'd ask for a chance at a quicker, better solution and to get some general thoughts on this.
Thanks again everyone for your input. ANYWAY, 'we' were finally able to change the parameter to set the control to a 4-place decimal display. I actually gave the info to the main set-up guy (the requestor), and he said that the display was indeed changed to a 4-place decimal format after changing the parameter, but also, everything changed to metric. I don't know if this is true or possible or if he made a mistake or what (the guy is pretty smart so I'm betting he is correct). I just found out about this and figured I'd revisit this post and ask for assistance. I do have the manual now (thanks dandrummerman21), so I will page through it but oftentimes I find the fanuc-ese hard to follow so I thought I'd ask for a chance at a quicker, better solution and to get some general thoughts on this. Thanks again everyone for your input.It SOUNDS like the 'multiply value by 10' parameter is set.
Turn off 1004.7 (IPR). That parameter takes the current position, and multiplies it by 10. For example, if your x position was 1.2345, it would display as 12.345. This can easily be mistaken as being in metric.
There is an example of this shown for another parameter, 3115.6 (D10x). If 1004.7 is already off, or does not change what the screen displays, you should take a look at that parameter, as well. This is starting to get scary for me lol. On another site, I posted the same question and someone said, 'BE AWARE, changing the system increment status is also a 'system configuration' change. A lot more is involved.'
He hasn't elaborated. Dandrummerman21, my guy stated the display switched to a 4-place decimal number, from a 5-place. Would your theory still apply?
Oh and thanks for all the info, there is noooo possible way I would have figured that out. I will check out what you suggested and post back with what I found if I don't hear back from someone soon. Ps: We are on a week-long plant shutdown and the machine is off, so I might not be able to 'play' with it until next week. Thanks again! My theory is that when your operator moved the tool 1.2 inches (as an example), the display read 12.0000 instead of 1.2000, and the operator quickly jumped to the conclusion that the display was now in metric.
If this is indeed what was displayed on the screen, I believe that changing 1004.7 would perhaps solve this issue. If not 1004.7, then 3115.6. I'd recommend that you backup your parameters before changing this bit, just as a precaution (its always good to have backups upon backups of the parameters anyway). Changing 1004.7 may require the machine to be turned off and on again. This is normal (per the manual).
Fanuc Oi Tc Programming
If the change does not do what you wish it to do, simply change it back and try the other parameter. I honestly do believe that one of those parameters will solve your issue. I don't run any machines that have an 0i control (I use 8 machines with an 0m control, as well as a 16i) so I can't look and compare parameters with you. Perhaps someone else can chime in and say what their control is set to, and how the display appears for them.
Fanuc Oi Tc Manual
I wouldn't worry about it. So long as you aren't changing things like option parameters and the like (which may require additional hardware that you don't have), you don't run much of a risk of trouble IMO. Just verify the machine acts as normal upon changing said parameters, before running production. Edit: I just compared the 16i manual with the 0i manual, and parameter 1004 is the same. I have a copy of the machine's parameters in hand, and 1004 is all 0's: N01004 P 00000000.