Communities And Biomes Reinforcement And Study Guide
1 Name Date Class Communities and Biomes Section 3.1 Communities n your textbook, read about living in a community. Determine if the statement is true. F it is not, rewrite the italicized part to make it true.
EBooks Study Guide For Communities And Biomes are currently available in. Biomes section 31 resources communities reinforcement and study guide.

The interactions of abiotic and biotic factors result in conditions that are suitable for some organisms but not for others. Food availability and temperature can be bioticfactors for a particular organism.
A limiting factor is any biotic or abiotic factor that p1'omotesthe existence, numbers, reproduction, or distribution of organisms. At high elevations where the soil is thin, vegetation is limited to large, deep-rooted trees. Factors that limit one population in a community may also have an indirect effect on another population. Toleranceis the ability of an organism to withstand fluctuations in biotic and abiotic environmental fuctors. A population of deer would become larger as conditions move away from optimal toward either extreme of the deer's range of tolerance.
Different species may have different ranges of tolerance. N your textbook, read about succession: changes over time. Use each of the terms below just once to complete the passage. Climax pnmary decades succeed pioneer succession species slows down The natural changes and (9) replacements that take place in the communities of ecosystems are lrnow as (10).
T can take (11) or even centuries for one community to (12), or replace, another. 'When new sites of land are formed, as in a lava flow,the first organisms to colonize the new area are (13) species. This colonization is called (14) succession, The species inhabiting the area gradually change.
Eventually; succession (15) and the community becomes more stable. Finally, a mature community that undergoes little or no change, called a (16) community, develops. RENFORCEMENT AND STUDY GUDE CHAPTER 3 BOLOGY: The Dynamics of Life 2 Name Date Class Communities and Biomes, continued For each item in Column A, write the letter of the matching item in Column B. Section 3.1 Communities, continued ColumnA 17. Sequence of community changes where soil is formed, allowing small, weedy plants to inhabit the area 18. Sequence of community changes occurring as a result of a natural disaster, such as a forest fire 19.
A stable, mature community with little. Or no succession occurnng 20. An example of a biotic limiting factor affecting a community of organisms 21. An example of an abiotic limiting factor affecting a community of organisms ColumnB a. A severe drought b.
Primary succession c. Amount of plant growth d. Secondary succession e. Climax community The statements below describe the secondary succession that occurred within an area of Yellowstone National Park. Number the events in the order in which they occurred. Grasses, ferns, and pine seedlings inhabited the area. Annual wildflowers grew from the bare soil.
A fire burned thousands of acres of land. A climax community of lodgepole pines developed. Bare soil covered the area. CHAPTER 3 BOLOGY: The Dynamics of Life RENFORCEMENT AND STUDY GUDE 3 Name Date Class Study Guide CHAPTER 3 Section 1: Community Ecology n your textbook, read about limiting factors. Complete the table by checking the correct column(s) for each limiting factor. Limiting Factor Abiotic Factor Biotic Factor 1. Temperature 2.
Soil chemistry 5. Plant nutrients 7. Producers n your textbook, read about ecological succession.
Use each of the terms below only once to complete the passage. Abiotic factors ecosystems climax community fire ecological succession lava flow pioneer species primary succession secondary succession (11) are constantly changing.
Both (12) -=- i 11 ii, and biotic factors change in every ecosystem. One type of ecosystem change, called (13), results in one community replacing another over time. This process might begin on bare rock, such as a(n) (14). The process begins when (15) begin living on the rock.
Chapter 3 Communities And Biomes Reinforcement And Study Guide Answer Key
This process is called (16). The mature community that eventually forms is called the (17).
Sometimes that community is destroyed by a(n) (18). A new community will replace the destroyed one through the process of (19) Unit 1 CHAPTER 3 Communities, Biomes, and Ecosystems 85 4 Study Guide, Section 1: Community Ecology continued - n your textbook, read about primary succession.
Number the pictures below in the order in which they occur, showing the changes that take place during primary succession r- n your textbook, read about secondary succession. Respond to each statement.
Name the material that is present for secondary succession that is not present for primary succession. Cite two reasons why secondary succession is faster than primary succession. Recall the name for the mature community that develops in secondary succession.
86 Communities, Biomes, and Ecosystems CHAPTER 3 Unit 1 5 Name Date Class Secondary Succession Use with Chapter 3, Section 3.1 AB you work on this exercise, remember that plants compete for sunlight, nutrients, and water. The transparency shows what biologists predict will happen at Yellowstone Park in the years following the most extensive forest fire in its history. About 45 percent of the park burned. After the fire, what resources remained in Yellowstone? How are these resources different from those found in an area such as a lava flow, where no life existed before?
N the first stage of secondary succession, grasses and wildflowers abound. Why do these plants flourish where there used to be forest? Why will shrubs grow before trees? For a time, the major plants in Yellowstone will be yellow pines, which will ultimately be replaced by lodgepole pines.
What does this tell you about yellow pines and lodgepole pines? Explain your hypothesis. Once lodgepole pines are established, the forests of Yellowstone Park will not change radically again. What is the term for the lodgepole pine community?
Elk, large herbivores that live in the Yellowstone area, eat mainly grasses. N winter, they eat twigs and needles from small trees and shrubs. Explain what may happen to the elk population during the first 10 years after the fire.!, i b. What may happen to the elk population during the following 15 years? TRANSPARENCY WORKSHEET 4 BOLOGY: The Dynamics of Life RETEACHNG SKLLS 6. Name Date Class Get the Big Picture Communities and Biomes Use the picture below to answer the questions that follow.

Succession in a Plant Community Beeches and maples Mosses 10 yrs 50yrs 100 yrs 200 yrs 300 yrs. What type of plants were the first to grow in this community? What types of plants were the first to grow in soil? What types of plants were the last to grow in this community? Why did it take many years for trees to grow in this community? 8 5 B e-, 1 c3 CONTENT MASTERY CHAPTER 3 BOLOGY: The Dynamics of Life f- 7 Name Date Class 1.
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