Khan Lewis Scoring Manual
The Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis-Third Edition (KLPA-3). Available in the resource library and KLPA-3 manual. KLPA-3 Vowel Alterations. Get this from a library! KLPA 2: Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis: manual. [Linda M L Khan; Nancy Lewis, (Speech-Language pathologist); American Guidance Service (Firm); Super Duper Publications (Firm),] -- Supplements the Goldman-Fristoe test with an in-depth analysis of children's phonological processes, with guidelines for remediation.

1) Transcribe Goldman-Fristoe Responses 2) Look at sound change booklet for each word. Check off bolded processes in the scoring section. Italic non-bolded processes can be added tot he Additional Processes section. 3) Tally at the bottom how many times each process occurred.

Lewis Scoring System
4) Transfer tally numbers to front of protocol 5) Figure% of each process 6) Add subtotals for all processes to figure raw score. Write raw score on front of protocol 7) Use normative tables to figure standard score 8) Use confidence interval of 90% 9) Look up percentile and test-age equivalent in normative tables 10) Fill out Additional Processes and Vowel Alterations on front of protocol 11) Mark if there was a dialectal influence.