Revit Training Guide 2013
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- Revit Training Arif A; 130 videos. Documentation Guide: Grids by O'Reilly - Video Training. Revit MEP 2013 Tutorial.
- ASCENT is an Authorized Author, Publisher and Developer of Autodesk Official Training Guides, offerings Student Guides, eBooks and Instructor Tools.
Are you an Autodesk Revit power user with an interest in becoming even more productive? Would you like to automate or extend the capabilities of Revit, but are new to computer programming? If so, then this guide is designed for you. “My First Plug-in” is a self-paced tutorial guide for a smooth introduction into the programming world. This is a “one-stop shop” learning path for users who know Autodesk products but are absolutely new to programming and are thinking about taking the plunge. In this guide, you will be working with Autodesk Revit.NET API and the C# programming language, however if you prefer the programming language VB.NET we have provided the code samples in this language as well. Product: Autodesk Revit. Programming Language: C# (and VB.NET - does not include written explanations for VB.NET code samples) Application Programming Interface (API): Revit.NET API.This guide was created based on Autodesk Revit Architecture.
All steps in this guide are applicable to any product of the Revit four flavors including Revit 'one box' which is a part of Building Design Suite. You can replace all “Revit Architecture” with “Revit', 'Revit Structure” or “Revit MEP” in this guide with version 2014 or higher. We also provide instructions to work with Macro or SharpDevelop. Overview There are many resources available on the web for you to learn about the Autodesk Revit API (Application Programming Interface), however, these resources tend to be designed for people who already know programming. This guide is different: it assumes no previous programming knowledge and yet helps you build your first plug-in quickly, without swamping you with details. You’ll have a working application within an hour of starting this material, irrespective of your current level of programming expertise.
The guide will start by reviewing the benefits of customizing Autodesk software before progressing onto lessons covering the use of the Autodesk Revit API. The lessons will start by building a working plug-in before covering more detailed explanations of the underlying principles and further developing the application’s functionality. The Benefits of Customizing Autodesk Revit In today’s world, you’re encouraged to become more and more efficient. This is a key benefit of customization: tailoring the software you use on a daily basis to streamline workflows increases your efficiency. Autodesk provides powerful APIs and SDKs (Software Development Kits) that allow you to gain greater value from your investment in Autodesk software by tailoring it specifically to the needs of your business. Autodesk Revit provides a rich API that can be used to customize the product’s existing features or by adding entirely new ones.
You can automate repetitive, time-consuming tasks and extend core features without leaving the Autodesk Revit environment. The API can be used to create custom tools and features that plug directly into Autodesk Revit, extending its functionality. Autodesk Revit has a.NET API which means you can use any of the.NET compliant programming languages (C#, VB.NET, F#, etc.) to develop a plug-in. While each language has its own relative benefits, C# is the natural choice for this guide: it is easy-to-learn, easy-to-use and leverages the power of the underlying.NET Framework. As you become comfortable with the content of this guide - and more proficient with C# - you’ll be able to move on to solving more complex problems with the language. Despite C# being the natural choice, sometimes there are limitations outside your control of what languages you can work with within your company. The programming language VB.NET takes a very close second place to C#, so to accommodate readers looking to work with VB.NET in Autodesk Revit; we have provided you all the lesson code in VB.NET.

Programming can be very rewarding. We hope you feel that way too after completing these lessons. Summary of the Plug-in “My First Plug-in” implements a command to copy a group (can contain furniture, partition walls or Mechanical Electrical Plumbing (MEP) elements) from one room to another. It’s very common for building models to contain identical furniture layouts, and copying these elements manually can prove both time-consuming and tedious: it can be quite challenging to have elements maintain the same relative position, for instance.
This type of task is ideally suited for automation via the Autodesk Revit API, and this guide will take you through the process of doing just that. Video: The Completed Plug-in This video demonstrates the final plug-in you will be creating in Lesson 6 of this “My First Plug-in” guide.
Software to Install Prior to Starting. This guide is applicable for Autodesk Revit 2014 and succeeding versions. Please replace the '20xx' to the product version that you are using throughout the guide. This material focuses on the steps needed to use Microsoft Visual C# Studio community.
Using other versions of Visual Studio that support C# is also possible. Supported.NET versions are:.NET 4.0 for Revit 2014,.NET 4.5 for Revit 2015/2016/2017,.NET 4.5.2 for Revit 2018. Visual Studio (VS) 2010 supports.NET 4.0. Later version of VS supports.NET 4.5.
Note: at the time of this writing, the latest is Visual Studio Community 2017. Summary of the Lessons. In this lesson, you will create your very first basic Autodesk Revit plug-in for copying groups, selected by the user to a specified location.
In this lesson, you will look more closely at what happens when you execute the plug-in code, exploring the Visual C# Express environment. In this lesson, you will take your first in-depth look at the Autodesk Revit API.
We’ll spend time looking at the C# code you typed into your plug-in in lesson 1, understanding each of the lines of code in turn. Additionally, exploring such concepts as Object-Oriented Programming, classes, methods, variable declarations, creating class objects and properties. Learn how to use the Visual Studio debugger to step through your code line-by-line to follow the program execution; and to watch the values of variables as they are changed by your code. In this lesson, you will improve the plug-ins selection functionality, by making it easier for the user to select a group and make sure your plug-in anticipates the possibility of something unexpected happening. In this lesson, you will extend the plug-in to copy the selected group to a location relative to the center of the room it is in. Additionally, exploring such Revit API and programming concepts as Filtering with FilteredElementCollector and the conditional if statement.
In this lesson, you’ll complete the plug-in’s functionality by extending it to allow the user to select multiple rooms to which the group will be copied to. In this lesson, we provide you with additional information to increase your productivity when creating Autodesk Revit plug-ins. You will look at information on API-related help, documentation, samples and where to go next to continue your learning around the Autodesk Revit API.
View Control Bar The View Control bar is at the bottom of every view and is contextual based on the type of view that you’re working in. Some views (like sheet views) won’t have them. Perspective views won’t show a scale. From left to right you have Scale, Detail Level, Visual Style, Sun Path (on/off), Shadows (on/off), Rendering Show/Hide (only in 3D views), Crop (on/off), Show Crop (show/hide), Temporary Hide/Isolate, and Reveal Hidden Elements. One of the nice features in Revit Architecture 2011 is the ability to see realistic colors from the visual style.
The difference is subtle, but when combined with other graphic features, it will likely lead to users not rendering project views that are part of the document set. Rather, they’ll opt for having real-time views. View Cube You’ll find the View Cube in 3D views. Hovering over the View Cube will reveal the Home option (the little “house” above the View Cube), which will bring you back to your home view. Right-clicking the View Cube will open a menu that allows you to set, recall, and orient your view.
Selecting the Options menu will take you directly to the View Cube options in the Options Bar. Navigation Bar The Navigation bar contains the Navigation Wheel, View Zoom, and Pan controls. Ribbon The Ribbon contains all of the Revit functionality for designing and documenting your Revit project.
There are specific portions of the Ribbon that you should be familiar. Tabs Tabs are used to select from among the various groups of functionality in Revit.
There are nine tabs in the Revit Ribbon. We’ll take a moment to briefly describe these tabs. Home The Home tab is used to create or place content (both system and component families) as well as datum Insert The Insert tab is used to link external files (2D, 3D, image, and Revit file types) as well as search for external content via Autodesk Seek. Annotate The Annotate tab contains many of the tools necessary to annotate, tag, dimension, or otherwise graphically document your project. Structure The Structure tab contains the tools necessary to add elements, which can be structurally analysed in Revit Structure. You can also add datum from this tab. Massing & Site The Massing & Site tab contains the tools necessary to add massing- and site-related elements.
Other than infrequency of use, Massing and Site elements are so conceptually dissimilar that we believe they should occupy separate tabs. Collaborate The Collaborate tab refers to the tools that you’ll use to coordinate and manage the project within your own team as well as across other teams and their linked files. View The View tab refers to the tools that you’ll use to create all your project views, 2D and 3D, as well as schedules, legends, and sheets.

You can also modify your user interface from this tab, including your keyboard shortcuts. Manage The Manage tab contains all your project standards and other settings. This tab also contains your design option and phase tools. We believe it would make more conceptual sense to locate design option and phase tools in the Home tab. One of the most important settings that you’ll use during your project is Object Styles on the Manage tab.
Selecting this option will allow you to manage the global visibility settings for just about everything in your project: how it projects, how it cuts, and its associated color and pen weight. Modify The Modify tab contains the tools you’ll use to manipulate all the content that you’re creating in your Revit project Contextual Modify Contextual Modify tabs are contextually revealed as part of an addition to the Modify tab when specific elements are selected. Contextual tabs are located to the far right of all the other panels in your Ribbon. Panels Panels identify areas of grouped functionality in the Ribbon. They can also be pulled out of tabs and arranged so that functionality is persistently exposed. To relocate a panel, simply click and drag the panel portion out of the Ribbon. The panels will snap together if you hover over a previously placed panel.
Training Guide Maplestory
To return a panel to the Ribbon, simply click the small down arrow that is in the upper portion of the right grey bar in the panel set. Options Bar The Options Bar is a contextually sensitive area that gives you feedback as you create and modify content. Project Browser The Project Browser is a project tree of all the views, legends, schedules, sheets, families, groups, and links in your Revit project. You can collapse and expand the project tree by selecting the + or – icons. The Project Browser can also be filtered and grouped into folders based on a number of user defined parameters.
To access the type properties of the Project Browser, simply right-click the Views portion at the top of the palette Status Bar The status bar provides useful project information on files that are opening or already open. Project information such as work sets, design options, and filters is immediately accessible from the status bar. Drawing Area The drawing area is the window into your design space. In this example, we’ve tiled four different view types: plan, elevation, 3D, and sheet view. Rather than jump between expanded drawing areas that obscure each other, it’s sometimes helpful to tile many views in the same area.
When you do this, you’ll only be able to zoom into the extents that are defined by the drawing area. If you want to get around this limitation, here’s a helpful tip. Create a new sheet, but then delete the sheet (keeping the view). This is your “working” space for any view of the project. Now you can create duplicate views of any of your project views and assemble them in this working space.
Zooming in and out is much more fluid, and you’re not limited to the extents of one drawing area. You can create a keyboard shortcut to activate and deactivate views, which is helpful as well. Working Sheet View. Management Project management has to do with all the project settings that control (and therefore restrict) any number of project variables.
Looking at the,we’ll discuss each of the management options in the rest of the chapter as we discuss the UI. At the moment, the most important part of project organization to discuss is worksets, because this has to do with workflow and how the team comes together to work on the project simultaneously. But we’ll cover this topic here at a high level as it relates to overall workflow of Revit. There are two kinds of worksets: system managed and user managed. The user cannot create, manage, or assign system-managed worksets.
Users can only create, manage, and assign worksets and elements that are assigned to user-created worksets. When worksharing is enabled, Revit creates worksets for everything in the project: datum, content, views, and settings. Revit manages the worksets related to families, views, and project standards.
But as for the actual content that is being used in your project (not just loaded, but actually in use) such as datum, 3D host and system families, and spaces, Revit allows you to create, manage, and assign worksets to those elements. The elements that are assigned to user-defined worksets are illustrated in. Three categories of elements may be scheduled via Schedules/Quantities:.
Masses: Mass and Mass Floors. Spaces: Rooms and Areas. Content: System and component families There is also a special schedule called a Multi-Category schedule. It is used to create and master schedule component families (and may only contain component families) across many categories.
We think that being able to create a Multi-Category schedule that could contain everything in one place would be great, as it would allow you to see your entire project in one schedule. We hope this is being planned for the future. Documentation Sheets in Revit ultimately contain all the documentation for your project and will come in a variety of standard as well as custom sizes. The important thing to remember is that you’re not going to select a “scale” when you print a sheet; it’s really more like printing than “plotting.” If you need your sheet to be smaller or fit on the desired page, these options are available and little different than printing from a word processing application. Take a moment to note the line and control arrows around the border of the view.
By modifying the location of these arrows, you’re modifying the extents of the view. Of course, more than plan views can have their extents modified; elevations, sections, and callouts can all have their view extents modified in the same way. Drafting Views Drafting views give you the ability to draw without first creating a reference to something in your project. They may contain Detail and Repeating Detail components, as well as all the annotation and documentation tools that Revit has to offer.
Drafting views are great for drafting standard or analytic conditions that don’t require an actual geometric underlay. And once you’ve created a drafting view, you may refer to this view when creating an elevation, section, detail, and so on that would normally rely on an actual view of the model. As you start to create a standard project view.
1996 cavalier manual shifter. The complaints are organized into groups with data published by vehicle, vehicle component, and specific problem.