Rvda Flat Rate Manual



  1. Rvda Flat Rate Manual

Website Menu Flat Rates vrs the RV Technician. By Les Doll Flat Rates. Are they fair for the RV tech? Are they fair for you?

Flat rates job times are established by several agencies. The factories, the RVDA, the dealers, and others. Flat rate assumes:.

  • The expanded Service Management Guide (flat rate manual) offers over 100 pages of average work unit times for the most basic service functions performed.
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Rvda Flat Rate Manual

that the technician has the job at hand. that the technician has the neccessary parts and materials within reach.

that the technician has any and all updates and bulletins relating to this job. that the technician has a reasonable expectation of completing the job within the time allotted.

The truth is. A competant RV tech can and may often beat the established flat rate times. Is this cheating? Is the RV tech gouging you?

Hello Customer! I am a flat rate RV technician! That means that I am paid by the job, not the actual time I spend on that job. A set dollar amount for the job and no extra anything! If your RV is parked 250 feet from my work station, that means I have to walk 250 feet to even assess the problem and another 250 feet return to my tool box.

Then back that 250 feet with the neccessary tools to diagnose the problem and then back that 250 feet to check if the parts required are in stock. If the parts are available, then I walk the walk (250 feet) yet again, to install them and back again (250 feet) to complete the work order.

That is assuming the best possible senario. I have walked 1500 extra feet to do the same job that the factory bases my time on. The factory bases the time on how long it takes the average tech to complete the job - at their work station. With the parts on hand. And any and all mauals or information at their figertips.

Now, let's assume that I do 8 of these jobs in a workday. 8 times 1500 feet per job = 12,000 extra feet of foot travel. 1995 kawasaki 750 zxi manual. Well over 2 miles!

I don't get paid one cent to walk one foot of that distance! Is that your problem? No, of course not! You paid your price for that RV and that includes a reasonable amount of after-sale and warranty work. The manufacturer calculates a percentage of the sales price to cover warranty repairs. The dealer is covered by that warranty. The RV Tech walks the walk.


And gets nothing. How fair is that! If you ask me a question, my time spent in answering your question, costs me money. My time is my only commodity. I need that time to pay my mortgage, pay for my groceries, and pay for my daily expenses. Just like you!

My schooling and my experience are hard gained and well earned. Just like yours are! I would like to discuss the daily weather or the best fishing spots this week with you. But I also need to pay my bills.


Just like you!

The 11th edition of the service management guide is now available from the Mike Molino RV Learning Center. According to a press release, the all-new publication has been completely revised to parallel the service procedures most service personnel encounter on a regular basis. The guide includes extensive updates to previous editions and features additional material provided by dealers, service managers, technicians and suppliers.

It also offers more than 100 pages of average work unit times for the main functions RV technicians perform, along with service check sheets to serve as a reference for service managers and technicians. “The new guide certainly has more service management guidance – from training opportunities to job descriptions to tool lists – and how to manage situations the service department has to deal with on a daily basis,” said RV Learning Center Service Consultant Tony Yerman, who coordinated work on the new edition.

“Every labor operation listed now has a labor time associated with it. If a labor time might have a variance or be questionable as to accuracy for the application, the publication provides guidance on how to handle the situation.” The guide, also known as a flat rate manual, is an ideal tool for the service department when working with extended service agreement and insurance companies. The service management guide is available in two formats. A printed version is available on durable cardstock paper with a 3-ring binder. The guide is also issued on CD-ROM that features searchable PDF documents. Special pricing is available for Recreation Vehicle Dealers Association (RVDA) members.

Rvda Flat Rate Manual

Current prices are: Manual or CD-ROM: RVDA members $175, non-nembers $350. Manual and CD-ROM together: RVDA members $290, non-members $585. Order the guide at the RV Learning Center.

This entry was posted on 08.10.2019.