Unit 3 Study Guide Meiosis Answers
Myers Ap Psychology Unit 3 Study Guide
- Genetics - Test A - Study Guide. Explain your answer. Organisms alternate between mitosis and meiosis, asexual and sexual reproduction respectively.
- BIOLOGY EOC STUDY GUIDE Answer Key and Content. This Study Guide was developed by Volusia County teachers to help our students. 177 SC.912.L.16.17 Meiosis B.
Chapter 10 Unit 3 Meiosis Study Guide Answer Key Chapter 10 study guide answer key course hero, view notes chapter 10 study guide answer key from criminal j crju 1010 at gwinnett technical college name: period.
This unit covers meiosis and simple genetic patterns, including monohybrid crosses, test crosses, sex-linked inheritance, and incomplete dominance.
BE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS DURING EACH STAGE! What is the pro cess i n which on e diplo id cell produc es 4 hapl oid cel ls? At the end of m eiosi s how many g enetic ally di ffer ent cells are prod uced?
4 genetically different cells 3. How many divis ions of the nuc leus ar e in mei osis?
Campbell Essential Biology Plus. Campbell Essential Biology Plus. Tide guide campbell river bc.
What are they calle d? There are 2 divisions, meiosis I and meiosis II 4.
Wh at h app en s in p ro ph as e I? Chromosomes condense, nuclear envelope breaks down, homologous chromosomes pair up and cross over 5. What is c rossi ng over, when does i t occur, and why is i t impor tant? Occurs in prophase, one portion of each chromatid is exchanged, causes genetic recombination 6.
Wh at h app en s in m et aph as e I Homologous chromosomes move to the middle of the cell 7. Wh at h app en s in a nap ha se I? Homologous chromosomes separate 8.
Whe n does t he cel l go fr om di plo id to h apl oid? Anaphase I or telophase I of meiosis I 9. Wh at h app en s in t el oph as e I? Chromosomes gather at poles, nuclear envelope forms, cytoplasm divides 10. At the end of meiosis I, how many cells are there and are they haploid or diploid? 2 haploid 11.
Do the centrome res divi de in anaphase I? What happe ns durin g prophas e II? New spindles form 13. What happen s during meta phase II? Chromosomes align in center, spindle fibers attach to centromeres 14. What happe ns durin g anaphase II? Centromere divides, chromatids move to opposite poles 15.
What happen s during telop hase II? Nuclear envelope forms. Name: Date 16. What is independent assortment and why is it important? Each pair of chromosomes separate independen tly; causes multiple gametes to be produced 17. What is random fertilization and why is it important? A lot of different possibilities for the gamete combination of the zygote 18.
What is sper matogen esis? Formation of sperm cells 19. What i s ooge nesis? Formation of egg cells 20. When do homologous chr omosome s separat e? Anaphase I 21.
When do homologous chromosomes move to the center of the cell? Metaphase I 22.
What is the difference between anaphase I and anaphase II? Anaphase I separates homologous chromosomes; anaphase II separates chromatids Asexual Reproduction: 1 – What is Sexual Reproduction? How many parents are needed for this process to occur?
Process by which organisms produce more of their own kind; 2 parents 2 – What types of cells merge together to form a diploid cell in sexual reproduction? What is that diploid cell called?
Study Guide Answers
2 haploid gametes; zygote 3 – What is the difference between the life cycles of Plant and Animals? Plants exist in 2 forms and have 2 parts to their life cycle - alteration of generations - What are the Haploid Cells in a Plant called? gametophyte - What are the Diploid Cells in a Plant called? sporophyte 4 – What is Asexual Reproduction (Hint – how many parents?) reproduction with only 1 parent 5 – True or False: In Asexual Reproduction, the offspring are genetically identical to their parents. True 6 – List five types of Asexual Reproduction: m i t o s i s b i n a r y f i s s i o n b u d d i n g f r a g m e n t a t i o n p a r t h e n o g e n e s i s vegetative propagation 7 – Describe what happens in Mitosis. Are the cells Haploid or Diploid? Exact duplication of nucleus to form 2 identical nuclei; diploid 8 – Describe what happens in Binary Fission.
Unit 3 Study Guide Review Module 7 Answers
Give an example of an organism that reproduces this way.