Manual Handling Quizs
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Title: Manual Handling 1 Manual Handling An Introduction 2 Manual Handling 3 Course Content. Statistics. Definition. Anatomy Injuries. Mechanics. Law.
Related eBook Available are: Manual Handling Quizs,Repair Manuals 700 Series Champion Grader,Owner Manual Mitsubishi L200,Autocad 2006 Para Diseo Industrial 3d Tutorial Con. How much do you know about Manual Handling?
Risk Assessment. Lifting Safely 4 Anyone Hurt? 5 Accident Statistics. Largest cause of accidents at work.

37 Manual Handling. 19 Slips, Trips and Falls.
12 Other Causes. 20 Struck by an Object. 7 Falling from Height. 5 Machinery 6 Accident Statistics. Interpreted another way - the overall figure of 37 means that.
86000 people are absent daily. 26,500,000 working days are lost annually. 1000,000,000 is lost in production, sickness benefit and medical costs In terms of suffering each injury results in an average of 20 days off work some never fully recover. Four out of five people suffer with back related problems at some time the risk is greater after the age of 30.
7 Definition of Manual Handling. The transporting or supporting of a load by hand or some other part of the body including the lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying, moving or intentionally dropping or throwing a load 8 Anatomy. Spine. Three main functions. To protect the spinal cord.
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Manual Handling
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