Lesson Check Guide For Chemistry
- Seventh Edition. University of Illinois. Guide in Word; Word files of the printed Test Bank; and Word files of the. Accompanies the textbook, lesson plans have been created based on the.
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Lesson Check Guide For Chemistry Ebook Lesson Check Guide For Chemistry currently available at www.metoyouservers.org.uk for review only, if you need complete ebook Lesson.
In this lesson students review concepts from Unit 2 through playing a Periodic Table Poker game and completing a review study guide. This lesson aligns with the following Next Generation Science Standards Performance Expectations:. HS-PS1-1: 'Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms.' . MS-PS1-2: 'Analyze and interpret data on the properties of substances before and after the substances interact to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred.'

. MS-PS1-4: 'Develop a model that predicts and describes changes in particle motion, temperature, and state of pure substance when thermal energy is added or removed.' . HS-PS 1-7: ' Use mathematical representations to support the claim that atoms, and therefore mass, are conserved during a chemical reaction.' To help students review for the exam I have them play Periodic Table Poker. This is a game that a graduate student and I developed several years ago with the goal of having students review the parts of the periodic table.
For each group I provide the following:. Periodic Table with the states of matter at standard temperature. I have them use the Periodic Table in the back of their Glencoe Chemistry Matter and Change textbook.
Lesson Check Guide For Chemistry Answers
There are several available online that can be printed out for students to use such as this one from the. Periodic Table Poker Rules. I make this colored for students so it is easy for them to refer to and make sure that they return to me to use for the next class. Periodic Table Score. I have this set up for easy tallying of points for each round.
Set of Element (These are on the last 3 pages of the spreadsheet). I have these as a blue color, but if you do not have a color printer than you can just color the outside with marker or print on a blue paper. Set of Attribute (These are on the first 6 pages of the spreadsheet). These are various colors, but if you do not have a color printer than you can print out and color the outside with marker. I instruct students to, 'Have one student read the rules out loud to the rest of the group, have another student set up the scorecard, and a third student begin to set up the two card piles.' As students are doing this I walk around and make sure that all students understand how to play the game and that the game is set up correctly.
This shows how the game works in terms of the set up and rules. As students complete the game I have them raise their hands and I collect the scorecard. I usually have a treat to give to the winner of each game. I then give them the Unit 2 Exam Review to begin working on. As students complete their game I pass out the which I have them work on either by themselves or with one partner. I tell students that all of the information on the review is from their notes, activities, and labs. I encourage students to use their binders and partners for help if they have questions and as a last resort to ask me for help.
As students are working I walk around to double check their answers and make sure that they are not simply copying from each other. I expect all students to have the review completed after an hour and I stamp for completion. I then review the answers with students using the After the Periodic Table game most students do well on the questions dealing with the Periodic Table. Students also do well on the questions dealing with Bohr models and electron configuration because those are from more recent material.
The questions that most students need help with are those dealing with molar conversions and the history of the atom. If students are done with the review before their peers I stamp and then have them work on studying on their own and making sure that their binders are organized for the binder check which I do with their exam. For more details about binder checks see the in Unit 1 lesson 8.
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