2015 Mariner 40hp Efi Manual
2005 Mercury 60 HP 4 Stroke EFI Outboard. I looked in iboats and google and can't find a manual for my motor. I am a boating newbie and must be missing something here.
I see manuals that are close to what I think I need but they cut off at 2004 and my motor is a 2005 production. I want the book mainly for reference and very simple maintenance. I will leave the complicated stuff to a certified marine mechanic. My owners manual is next to useless because it tries to cover so many product versions in one book. Suggestions info would be appreciated. Re: Mercury 4 Stroke EFI 60 HP Shop Manuals??? Hi o-t You could check this, just in case it is any better than what you have.
Find great deals on eBay for Mercury Marine Service Manual in Boats. Mercury Marine 3.5-40hp 1972-1989 Outboard Motor Service Repair Shop Manual.
- 2015 Mercury Marine FourStroke 25 hp EFI. Starter Manual, Electric. 2017 Mercury Marine® Fourstroke 40 HP EFI 1C486184 New Four Stroke.
- Manual For 2015 Mercury 40 Hp. DOWNLOAD 1999 2015/40 HP 4 Stroke Service Manual EFI. 2015 model 40 hp mariner workshop manual; 2015 hp mercury outboard full.
The basic 40-50-60 owners manual, which is about as product specific as you are going to get. Pdf format, so it is useful for printing any individual pages you might want.
This link is to the Brunswick (Mercury) Europe site, downloads section, owners manuals, outboard, 2005, Choose 8: 40-50-60: This is not a 'commercial' link, so the mods have not found it necessary to break it in the past. If broken, just copy and paste to your browser address bar. In practise, I think there are only minor variations between model year manuals, because the engines basically don't change that much. So, for the home user, not delving in too deeply, the basic advice changes very little. There can be variations which are not documented, but which are not of major concern. For example, my F60 is 'non-bigfoot' but it has two vent plugs, like the bigfoot (4 1/4') gearcase. I have a 2004 manual, in pdf, about 17mb overall (22 files, single file max.
Size 2.3mb) If you care to p.m. Me your email address, I could copy it to you. It might help. It is my source for torque settings.
Btw, there is an interesting thread in trailers and towing on torqe & lubrication: I see the sense in this, especially for wheel nuts/bolts, but must admit I myself have a weakess for lubricating nuts/bolts, learnt from my father when maintaining agricultural implements. Hope this helps. Btw, the experts here generally advise against getting an aftermarket manual such as a clymer or seloc, because the are too general, and not model specific.
Re: Mercury 4 Stroke EFI 60 HP Shop Manuals??? Went to the loacl dealer yesterday to request manual and pricing. They did not want to sell me one.
(Discourage 'shade tree mechanics' if you would) Asked about fogging cylinders per owners manual Answer, it is not necessary for winter storage (6 months in these parts). Asked about changing spark plugs per owners manual. Answer, if the motor is running OK don't fix it.
Mariner 40 Hp Outboard
Asked about the computer tank test this spring. Answer, if the motor is running OK don't fix it. The guy at the dealer service desk said the motors are loaded with over heat, over rev, shut down, slow down, over rides that I should just leave things be until I get a problem. Then, he said, bring out the computers and tank test.
I have to give the guy credit. He could have sold me services I apparently don't need. I am still going to get my hands on a shop manual even if a little knowledge is a dangerous thing (smile,).
Does this outcome seem ordinary to the group?? Re: Mercury 4 Stroke EFI 60 HP Shop Manuals??? Boy do I feel dumb. I went to the site Don provided and just ordered the manual for direct home delivery.
Why I did not find this Mercury site earlier is a mystery to me. Rob, I found the site you mentioned earlier and when I typed in my ZIP the dealer I was speaking with did not pop up as a choice for delivery. Apparently all Mercury dealers are not 'parts express' members. Maybe Mercury is monitoring web posts about their products and making easier on us newbies (smile,).
Thanks again all.

You are ready to get your boat out on the water, but something is wrong — and it appears to be the outboard. You figure you can save yourself a few bucks and try to repair it yourself, but you cannot find your Mercury outboard manual anywhere. Looks like you will be heading to a professional. On the other hand, you could buy a replacement from the vast inventory on eBay. All you need to know is what model of Mercury or Mariner outboard you own, as well as the year it was made. After all, the company has been around since 1939. You can even find books that date back several decades.
Mariner 40hp 6e9 Water Pump
All manuals are written so that a do-it-yourself mechanic can troubleshoot his or her own boat, but they provide the exact same guidance that professional mechanics use. In fact, the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard use a Mercury outboard manual when necessary, as do numerous trade schools and higher education institutions. Save yourself some grief, and go ahead and pick up a manual for your boat before the need for it arises. Shop the large inventory of boats, and!